Do LiIon PCB's also balance packs ?


Newly Enlightened
Mar 11, 2009
Based on recent readings, I've learned I need to be aware of the pack balance, and since my packs are sealed I can't test the cells individually with my DMM.

Maybe PCB's are different in variety and function, I'm using a couple of packs with this PCB built in from the manufacturer

I see it does connect to all batteries, but not sure if that means it does balancing as well.

does not, this will keep the batteries in "spec" so it keeps the danger down, and damage down, but there are actually very FEW protections that balance via the internal board, and the method used is to post drain balance. what has become popular is TAPS, wires connecting to each of the batteries, that can then be connected to balancing charges.
the balancing chargers (usually) charge the series set , monitoring every cell, then top off the cells till they are all fully charged. best of both worlds, and it gives you access to reading each cell also.
potentially taps can be added to any series li-?? pack after tearing it apart and wiring it up, then slapping something back on it to cover it. leaving the biggest $$$ problem getting a good balancing charger. its becomming very popular (finnaly) in the RC world, so balance chargers of all types and prices are available.
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What about this balancer ? It seems by the description to do some balancing by connecting only to the external connector of the pack, unless I'm reading it wrong.

Correct, if your pack has balancing taps, like VidPro talked about.
Ok, suprising then (or maybe not) that the vendor said this would work with the packs and charger I purchased from them, and they didn't mention any mods needed.

I don't see any 14.8v packs that have the taps pre-installed at any of the online stores. Might be something that is more common in the R/C world and not yet made its way over to general use ?

Maybe my next packs will be DIY.....

Thanks again
What you need is a battery pack such as this that has a balancing connector (circled in red):


These packs are commonly available on-line (and in hobby stores as well). Also be sure that you get a charger that can balance the pack. See this thread and follow the link in post #2:
I'm trying to get away from having the seperate balancing lead on my packs. My packs are 4s2p 14.8v Li-ion. If I use the PCB with equilibrium function from batteryspace instead of the PCB without equilibrium function will my hyperion charger recognize this and allow me to charge my packs without hooking up the balance lead?? Thanks
According to BatterySpace website information on PCBs with "equilibrium" capability, it appears that the PCB does equalize the charge level of the cells after the charge has completed. Which means that the actual termination voltage of each cell could vary more significantly to a point of being less desirable than a true balanced charge, however; at least the pack will balance out automatically in the 30 or so minutes after the charge, which is certainly better than nothing IMO.

Provided the cells in the pack are individually protected, combined with this equilibrium function, I would call it "good enough" for most applications, but the cycle life of the pack should be de-rated by the user to keep things safe.

Not sure exactly what you are meaning my "protected individually".... I bought unprotected batteries or did you mean protected by the PCB individually? My other question is about my charger.....
Without the balance lead hooked up it seems to do nothing?

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