Do you ever find the light you want?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 19, 2009
This is a semi-serious question.:confused:

Do you ever find the light that you want or will be satisfied with?

I've bought a few budget lights and as long as all you want is something that's not too large that puts out some illumination ... they all work OK.

Their limitations are easier to accept because I didn't spend all that much and they do work.

If you get a little beyond that and are willing to spend a little more to get something a little better does that really work?

I ask because I've looked at a few "better" lights with more specific characteristics in mind and there's always a problem. I also have read the reviews and posts of others and it seems like there is always something missing in their new purchase as well regardless of price.

So if you aren't going to get what you really want is it worth it to spend more and get a little better "quality" if it still isn't what you would really like?

I'm sure those of you who have had this hobby or interest for a while must have come to terms with this in one way or the other.

For instance, if you want a light that has very low modes or really any mode lower than high in most cases you get there with PMW. In many cases the frequency is set too low so you can actually see the pulse. In other cases you can't see it but have to hear it.

In other cases a good light will have set modes of Hi,Med,Low so if you are more interested in the low you have to ruin your night view by getting through Hi first.

You can get around that in many models depending on the UI but the PWM situation seems to be almost universal.

The Quark Mini line looks good as far as UI but the low mode isn't real low. It's good because the strobe modes are hidden. The regular Quark however doesn't have this feature but does have a lower low. They still use PWM I believe.

The Proton Pro has a variable output with lower lows but uses PWM and starts off in high.

The Itp line has high reviews but the PWM is visually an issue and it doesn't have very low lows.

Unless all you want is an on/off with an always bright beam do you ever get what you want?

Beam quality is also an issue. On the models that seem to address some issues then beam quality seems to be not so good...or it's green or green in any mode other than high.

I keep looking however!

For long time flashaholics, do you just readjust what you'll accept and get used to the situation or do you actually find what you want? Or is that how one ends up with large collections...trying to find the holy grail.:duh2:

At the end of the day I end up not buying a more expensive light because just before I do I consider if it's really going to be any better than the cheaper one's I already have.
Tk40 is about as close to what I want in a light. I don't like little lights and I love the low/med/high/turbo. Perfect beam, great throw and good runtime. I would have liked a side switch for a light this size, but hey, you can't have everything.

My P7 mag is also about as good as it gets. You want lots of light at the click of a button, that's it. Simple, robust and bright. I don't need to see what's half a mile away, just light up the next hundred metres and I'm fine.
Do you ever find the light that you want or will be satisfied with?

Sure. Sometimes a few months pass and I am still satisfied :)

I ask because I've looked at a few "better" lights with more specific characteristics in mind and there's always a problem. I also have read the reviews and posts of others and it seems like there is always something missing in their new purchase as well regardless of price.

This is IMHO because it is not profitable for a manufacturer to clean up and polish the light to be 100% complaint free. 100% is impossible because people have slightly different expectations and there will be always somebody missing a little "something", no mather what they get. Even if the look, beam and tint would be perfect for everybody (not possible), the light would have to have an USB plug so that everybody could customize the UI as they wish. But there still be a problem, because the customization software will be Windows compatible and the Linux guys will start crying...

So if you aren't going to get what you really want is it worth it to spend more and get a little better "quality" if it still isn't what you would really like?

It can't be helped. My expectations raise with every new better light I get. A lot of todays flashlights have features I wouldn't dream about 5 years ago. Before I will get a few lights that are at the top of my current "most wanted" list, a few better lights (or upgrades, or potential upgrades) will appear. The choice is to have something that makes me 95% happy now or to have nothing because of waiting for a perfect light forever.

For instance, if you want a light that has very low modes or really any mode lower than high in most cases you get there with PMW. In many cases the frequency is set too low so you can actually see the pulse. In other cases you can't see it but have to hear it.

In other cases a good light will have set modes of Hi,Med,Low so if you are more interested in the low you have to ruin your night view by getting through Hi first.

You can get around that in many models depending on the UI but the PWM situation seems to be almost universal.

The Quark Mini line looks good as far as UI but the low mode isn't real low. It's good because the strobe modes are hidden. The regular Quark however doesn't have this feature but does have a lower low. They still use PWM I believe.

The Proton Pro has a variable output with lower lows but uses PWM and starts off in high.

The Itp line has high reviews but the PWM is visually an issue and it doesn't have very low lows.

It will always work that way. The only thing that sometimes pisses me off is the "almost perfect" light having just one little issue everybody is complaining about. One or two years in the production, and still no change.:crazy:

Unless all you want is an on/off with an always bright beam do you ever get what you want?

When I got born, I was wet, hungry and scared. But it took a few years for the things to really get worse! :) :) :)

Yesterday my dad came to my room and asked for a flashlight. He is very old and not aware of anything beyond on-of / always bright approach. I should have given just any flashlight and he would be happy. Instead, I started asking questions. It went, more less, like that:

- What do you need the flashlight for?
- Errr.... why?
- Because if you want to see something at far distance, I would give you this, but for a close work, this would be much better...
- Errr... why?
- Errr... because, look, when you turn THIS on, you have more flood and the hotspot, see, here, it is...

And so on.

Today I got the light back with: do you have something with this... errr... beam... more bright here but less here, because...

He could have been happy with "just a flashlight" for the rest of his life. But I had to go into details and... I spoiled him... :banghead:

I keep looking however!

Keep looking. We are all spoiled. :twothumbs:twothumbs:twothumbs
I think we find lights we're satisfied with for certain roles....for a while.

Then something comes along that's more compact/throws further/is floodier/gets better runtime out of the batteries/looks nicer and the process of buying starts again.

For example, maybe you want something nice and small for EDC, and you go through a few lights until you find just the right small thing for you with the right beam. You're happy with that for a while and then something new catches your eye. Maybe it's smaller, maybe it gets better runtime, maybe the levels/modes are a bit more in line with your needs... so you then buy another light.....
There are a couple of lights I really like and use a lot. One example is an Ra Twisty. And there are a few lights that never turned out to be that great. I've found that I should pay the extra money and get exactly what I want rather than save a few bucks and cheap out.
Tk40 is about as close to what I want in a light. I don't like little lights and I love the low/med/high/turbo. Perfect beam, great throw and good runtime. I would have liked a side switch for a light this size, but hey, you can't have everything.

+1 :twothumbs

It's also nice to own a variation of the types of lights that you describe - specifically because they all serve different purposes / situations. Nice to have a choice for EDC depending on the days' activities. :thumbsup:
I don't think we're ever totally satisfied. But then that's part of the fun. Always something better to look forward to in that quest for perfection.

There are some lights that come close, as far as I'm concerned. I'm familiar with the LiteFlux line and recommend them wholeheartedly. Ra, HDS, Novatac, and Surefire are others that come to mind.

There's no one light that can satisfy all needs. At least not with today's technology. But there're a couple I'm happy with, despite the one or two things that are lacking.
It would be interesting to know how many members have been totally satisfied with the lights they bought as a result of advice received from other members here. It's not quite the same question as the OP is asking, but close enough.
I would assume, DM51, that those who ask advice often have lots of figures swimming in their heads and seek some help to make sense of all the hype, obfuscating figures of lux/output/material tensility, strength, etc. Once the smoke clears and a purchase is made, though, one of two things might happen: 1. They find their appetite appropriately whetted and proceed to buy more lights and forget the advice that led them to the first one (cynical, I know) or 2. they are so satisfied with their purchase that they stop visiting this sight and, therefore, have no way of seeing either your question or any of our other questions . . . until the next time, that is.

I like your question and have pointed people different ways myself over the year (get it? Year instead of years? :laughing::ironic:). I'd love to see if their impressions of my most prized lights matches my own humble estimation. I wouldn't hold my breath, though, for both of the above reasons. I've been proven wrong by the warmth of the human heart before, though. In every case it's a pleasure not a pain. Don't let me down, CPF!!!
Often times its the excitement of researching and dreaming, and the thrill of acquisition. Compulsive shoppers (ahem, just making a tangential statement here) are more excited by the process of making a purchase, rather than the accumulation of the goods themselves.

Really, as a hobby its relatively affordable compared to others even buying high end lights. (some cpf members not included :whistle:)
Sure, I find the light I want then my needs change

I love my Nitecore D10 Q5 for EDC, like the ramping piston drive. After time passes, it would be nice if I got those rings out of the beam...make it a little more floody and a touch more durable. Nitecore makes the barrel a little thicker for more durability (great!) changes the o-ring location to the button to have less friction in the piston drive (woohoo!) now all I need is for them to add the XP-G R5 for no rings, a floodier beam and more output is never a bad thing.

YES! The PERFECT EDC !!! (for me) Then Nitecore dumps the ramping feature and who knows when the XP-G R5 versions will come out. :( :mad:

Then there is the perfect keychain light. The IlluminaTi starts on low (great) runs on a single AAA (woohoo) has a nice floody beam with an XP-G R5 and it is titanium! Wait a minute, the hole that holds the keychain ring is too close to the edge of the light and will eventually rip through! :( :mad:

I've been using 2AA lights for my bicycle helmet light needs since the minimag N bin luxeon sandwich days. In 2006, Fenix releases the L2D CE that puts out 140 lumens at the LED and I find it to be good enough for night riding. Things only get better as the Q5 arrives and I'm happy. Sure, it would be great if I could get 140 lumens at the LED on a single AA battery that will run for 1.5 hours...but I'm happy!

Fast forward a few years and I have a Turbo AA2 on my helmet. It throws a bunch of lumens so I'll never ride faster than the beam can throw. Gee, it sure is heavier than the L2D though and the runtime is only 1.1 hours instead of 1.5 hours that I need.

Now EagleTac is about to roll out a single AA light that pumps 143 lumens through an XP-G R5 that is rated to run 1.7 hours on a single Eneloop AA! I can throw the much lighter and smaller ET light on my helmet and the AA2 Turbo on my frame and have it all! ETA for the light is in late March :(

2010 is starting off OK I guess. In time the single AA 140 lumen at the LED helmet light will be available, I'm hoping the IlluminaTi will fix the key ring hole problem, Nitecore might put out a ramping D10 with XP-G R5 and I'll be happy for the rest of the year.

Then those Cree 208 lumen at one watt LEDs will show up next year...
I have already found my perfect light(s). I am very happy with my EDC, and I don't think anything will ever replace it (nothing has for the past 3.5 years...) and my favored supplemental lights are perfect with nothing to complain about either.
I just decided to get the Photon Pro and just ordered it from BatteryJunction.

The higher powered lights will change a lot over time but the low end stays the same and that's what I was looking for. I like the ramping feature on the Photon Pro even if it does start out on high.:rolleyes:

It really pays to shop around as the prices for the same thing varied from $60 to $37.

My dive lights insure that I'll always have the higher powered end covered but the low illumination end interests me more at the moment.

I just received a flood to throw DX light so that means I can play around with throw and get it out of my system without having an expensive light dedicated to this since for me it isn't really useful (other than for the novelty).

The flood is useful in that particular light and I find that I'm grabbing it more and more when I need a light at night.

Now if they would just put a ramping feature on it.....
I've taken what "appears" to be a minority approach to owing different flashlights.

I've found what I consider the perfect edc light for my purposes C9, :D easy to carry in a pocket, 190 lumens, infinitely variable, memory etc.. so I don't even try to find another one.

I've found a terrific "pocket rocket" in the M20 :thumbsup: with lots of light for what I need, great quality, etc. so I don't need to get another one of that class.

I've now got a great "mini" in the preon, so I don't need to find another AAA light.:twothumbs

I've now got a "big floody" in the A6 :grin2: with tons of lumens, and that niche is filled.

I'm now just looking for a terrific headlight, and I'm sure it'll be the zebralight and a monster thrower, and the jury is still out on that one.

After that, well, the ball is in the manufacturer's court! They'll have to come up with a new catagory of light or something so substantially different or amazing, :faint: for me to consider buying another light. I won't buy another one just because the switch is on the side instead of the back, or the clicky is smoother, or the led is a little bit different colour.:shakehead

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I absolutely have found and been using my Holy Grail of flashlights, the Fenix TK40. There is nothing that I can complain about. I did in fact buy it based on the reports and reviews right here on CPF too. It was my first ever Fenix brand light, but not my last as I also have an LD20 now as my EDC light.

That won't stop me from looking at other lights though. The Fenix TK45 looks *very* promising. :)
As a cop, I found the best light for the job currently available. The Inforce white is a great personal light for a cop or soldier.

Many lights offer the same functions but their interfaces are so complicated that they end up being useless. The 5 stage switch on the Inforce (two clockwise from off and two anticlockwise) mean that it's easy to turn the light onto the setting you want.

The addition of a gun mount and remote pressure switch are essential addons for the military or police.

What would I like to see improved? A brighter flashlight and longer run time of course, but everything else, I wouldn't change.

I'm way too picky to be satisfied with most factory lights. I special order, buy aftermarket parts, dropins, or accessories, or have mods done to get a light the way I want it.
If you're not happy with a light, it's not the light's fault, it's yours for making a poor choice.
My advice is to buy a quality light that you really like the basics of as a host, and then do what it takes to set it up the way you want.
I already found a lot of flashlights with I really love and which should satisfy almost everybody!

Your question isn't really if we find the light we want, it is why we want more and more and that's another story...

My philosophy in life is, that everything in life has two sides, a "good" and a "bad" one. Perfection doesn't exist in this world, so we'll never find the perfect light either and there will always be a better one coming.

Yesterday I got a McGizmo Haiku XP-G. Wanna hear the negative side of it first, it really overwhelms the positive side by far : It ruined me quite a bit more! The positive side is, that it comes near to the point which is for me the actual level of perfection. I love that light! It's great, it's a piece of art, the beam is a masterpiece for EDC. I bought it, because the Haiku BB already overwhelmed me, the XP-G has everything the version with XR-E also has, but its beam is just nearer to perfection. If anybody asks me, I can tell him to buy a Haiku XP-G immediately and be completely happy with one single light.

So, won't I buy any more lights now? lovecpf