Flashlight Enthusiast
http://kaidomain.com/ProductDetails.aspx?ProductId=5313 (5314 is the same but in a 5-pack)
Are these fully regulated? I've searched a bit, but haven't found a conclusive answer.
DX doesn't list specifications, and the only thing that KD says is (after de-engrification):
Battery>3.7V>LED VF = Buck regulated
Battery<3.7V<LED VF = Boost regulated
But how does it behave if, say, the battery has more than 3.7V but the Vf is higher? Or if the battery has less than 3.7V but vF is lower?
Say the battery is 4.2V but the led Vf is 3.8 (Battery > 3.7V < LED VF); would this mean it'd direct-drive (and thus probably fry) the emitter?
Some part of my brain is suggesting me that I'm not seeing something elementary and this might be an incredibly stupid question, but I can't quite put my finger on it, so I'll ask anyway and take the risk of looking like an idiot.
What I'm looking for is a buck-boost that will provide regulation at all times, except obviously when the battery is so low that it can't give the necessary current anymore. Does this do that?
http://kaidomain.com/ProductDetails.aspx?ProductId=5313 (5314 is the same but in a 5-pack)
Are these fully regulated? I've searched a bit, but haven't found a conclusive answer.
DX doesn't list specifications, and the only thing that KD says is (after de-engrification):
Battery>3.7V>LED VF = Buck regulated
Battery<3.7V<LED VF = Boost regulated
But how does it behave if, say, the battery has more than 3.7V but the Vf is higher? Or if the battery has less than 3.7V but vF is lower?
Say the battery is 4.2V but the led Vf is 3.8 (Battery > 3.7V < LED VF); would this mean it'd direct-drive (and thus probably fry) the emitter?
Some part of my brain is suggesting me that I'm not seeing something elementary and this might be an incredibly stupid question, but I can't quite put my finger on it, so I'll ask anyway and take the risk of looking like an idiot.
What I'm looking for is a buck-boost that will provide regulation at all times, except obviously when the battery is so low that it can't give the necessary current anymore. Does this do that?