e-mail form fenix store

Yep, me too.

I was going to wait for more info, but just couldn't. I guess if I don't like the L1D CE I can always just sell it here!
I had orders for an Elektrolumens Lucidus-XR2, Jetbeam CLE, and the Fenix all hanging out there. My Lucidus came yesterday! w00t!

Now I'm looking forward to getting the others so I can make some comparsions.
L2D-CE shipped to me, and L1D-CE's shipped to family for gifts.


PID-CE just arrived today. This thing is cool!
I didn't expect mine to ship until next week, but I was pleasantly surprised to get the same e-mail as you all! Can't wait. :D
I guess with all the group buys for Jetbeam/Rexlight CREE, Chow manage to beat them all & shipped a AA CREE product first!!!

Now it will surely get here to Malaysia before Chinese New Year!!:goodjob:
I have a lot of hopes for the L1D-CE being as near a perfect EDC as is available now. 4-7's first impression seemed favorable - time will tell. I'm sure I'll order the 2AA body tube when it becomes available.