Earth Hour: Lights out in Sydney on 31 March 2007


Apr 14, 2005
Sydney, Australia
At 7.30pm on 31 March 2007, Sydney will be much darker than usual, as there will be an initative to turn off the non-essential lights lights for one hour. This includes turning off unused appliances in standby mode.

The purpose is to show our commitment to our goal of reducing Sydney's greenhouse gas emissions and to tackle the climate crisis.

This sounds like a pretty good initiative to bring awareness about energy consumption, and may also be a good way to recruit more flashaholics.

I wonder how many people will be carrying around flashlights that night.

Here is more about Earth Hour
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Its a pitty you live far away, I definitely would want to see this !!!

Maybe in the future, other big sity's will follow..

Wouldn't it be something if the entire world schwitched off all the lights for one hour !! :candle:
If that happens, we should all get together and point all our lights to the sky and photoghraph this from a satelite or shuttle!!


I'll try to take some photos that night and post here. I hope someone will do an aerial shot of Sydney and compare the before and after the lights has been turned off.
I don't know what your night sky light pollution is like there, but you should recruit astronomers (amateur and pro) for this, too.