Everlasting light - small microwave emitter


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 30, 2001
I came across this new lighting technology. I did a quick search to see if this has been posted here before and didn't see it. Sorry if this is a duplicate.

Everlasting light
An environmentally friendly bulb that may never need changing

"...the light it generates comes from what is almost a single point...Because of this, the light is much more directional"

I'd be concerned about the overall efficiency, in lumens per watt.

In general, a 2.4GHz amplifier has very low efficiency to start with (guessing <25%), and then the metal halide burner efficiency itself added to that.

I wonder when they will publish that kind of information?

That said, it is certainly an interesting concept!
They need to update their info. Modern flourescents convert 25%+ of their energy though still not 50%.

You can make a microwave emitter that is 65+% efficient (think microwave oven).

Interesting.... maybe LEDS will not take over after all....
Sounds overly complex to be just a flashlight. I wonder what else a portable microwave emitter can do?
Funny I do remember seeing many 2.4 Ghz wireless telephones...

Id say these are just like HID; large, expensive, quite powerful and quite rare.

Frankly I'd give the thing film cathodic lights a better chance.
I dont know seems right now a microwave oven does have some microwave radiation. Like cell phones, a few years from now we will find out if all that cell usage will eventually give us and our children health problems down the timeline. I would hate to think being "light-up" in our house by a micro-bulb would do.

Darn search feature.

I presume it's a fibreoptic link between the microwave emitter and the light box. It might be interesting if the cable comes off and you start spraying all that microwave energy out the cable-less port.


I like Melchior's comment comparing them to HID. I can imagine them fitting in alongside other lighting technologies just like that, with a microwave thing substituting for a ballast thing.

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