Feeler Thread: 50W handheld HID ~5600 lumens at 3850k

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 30, 2004
Connecticut Shoreline
using 20 CR123A batteries. Runtime est 60-80 minutes. Price est $2500 in a Pelican type case.

Would something like this find many takers here? I kow I've not given a lot of details and there's no pics but basically is there a market here for a light with this performance at this price?

It's possible. Polarion markets a 40w and 35w HID system [The Helios and X1] in that price range. XeRay also exists in that market space.

The concern I have is using 20 lithium primaries; for me that's a deal-killer. When you're talking that kind of power, it's rechargeable or bust for me.

What kind of form factor are we talking here, too? Polarion is a single-unit light [like an M6 on serious steroids] wheras the XeRay is more of the battery-reflector-handle jobby you see on "The X-Files" or CSI.
The price & the 20 CR123 batteries is a no-go for me.
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Hi Sable,

There would be a rechargeable adaptation made available later most likely.

The form factor is a traditional tube flashlight style - ~16" long.
The 50W is a good deal, but not in that configuration, runtime, and the price, which is way too high for my thoughts. I expect 1000$ range if working on primaries. Is this regulated or only 50W?

I think that output for the price, and having to deal with that many batteries makes it a tough sell. The 40W-50W HID's have too many advantages, TBH.
I believe it's 50W only. The light is still in preproduction so details are not yet finalized. I had the same reaction regarding rechargeables/price and posted here for exactly the excellent input you've all given so far which I'll be communicating to the maker.

Thanks for the great insight - I'll post more details as they become available.
No interest in this because of price and batteries. There are already great lights out there like the Polarion and Xeray that are proven and have useful battery configurations. I wouldn't even consider this proposed light unless a better battery pack were implemented. Even at that, the price would have to come down to Xeray territory for it to be attractive to me.

P.S. I want a car that runs on disposable 123s.
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Only 50W for $2500 that runs on 20 cr123 primaries? I honestly don't know anyone who would want that. Unless it's made rechargeable and indestructible like the SF beast then maybe, even then the price is steep.
Whose the manufacturer? Is it a new company on the block?
The CR123 thing is very appealing to me ... but in that price range and quality we're talking I'd at least want a secondary long running light source in additionto the HID and maybe go down to 35W for runtime. 60-80min isn't that great.
A rechargeable option in addition to that would come in handy, too. But I absolutely love the idea of a primary CR123 option.
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