Fenix: Aimed for complete destruction, but failed


Aug 31, 2007
Webster Parish Louisiana
I chunked my keys HARD against the wall last night.
Hard enough that it broke a Toyota Key off of the keychain, but my Fenix L0D CE survived!

And, NO, we were not fighting about how many flashlights I own, but whether or not to buy a new vehicle just for FUN ONLY. She wants to, but I don't.

There is a crack, but the light functions normally for now
The term "anger management" comes to mind...

But now, in your anger, you have broken your Toyota key. Your Toyota is now worthless without the key. If you buy a new car, it will come with a key at no extra charge.

Where is the crack?
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I threw my cellphone against the wall once. Got a new one the next day.

Cost me a bundle, but the point is I got a new one. Wish I could afford to do the same to buy a car. :crackup:
If it was there then it was smaller, and I didn't see it. I guess I should've looked harder.

BUT, the light took one hell of a lick and survived. That was my main point.

I believe no phone could've survived. I was P***** OFF. There was a lot of adrenaline behind the "throw"
That says a lot about the quality of these little lights.

side note....... I have always been a thrower.
I second that. Whether she said so or not, you frightened your wife and I'm sure you didn't mean to do that.

Oh jeez, let's not make this a domestic discussion. He never even said that his wife was around him when he threw his keys. Keep the inner Dr. Phil inside.

Anyway..... The point is, the light can take a good impact. And as mentioned above, that's how the Crees look so the LED is fine.
I just knew there would be #'s of "Why did you throw your keys?", so I included it in the original post.

My anger was managed just fine by throwing my keychain, it sure beats yelling and no one gets hurt.
The line isn't quite as distinct in my picture, but it's definitely there.

Yeah, that's not a crack, that's part of the CREE LED.

I did something similar, but I wasn't made, I swung my keychain, hard, at some bug that was buzzing around me, and the keychain broke and my keys went wizzing right into the side of my parent's old stone farm house. I had to bend a lot of the keys back into shape. What I can't remember is if I had my ARC on there back then, but if I did, it survived because it still works. :)
Thats really funny. The story reminds me of Turbo DV8s Fenix.
He claimed there was a scratch but no one believed him until a freind of him was able to show it up in a picture, hope this does not happen here again!!:nana:

MfG Mr.Urahara