Fenix E01

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Jan 24, 2008
I received my first E01 today, and decided to take some pictures coparing it to my E0 and my L0D reb 80 on low. It definitely has the best throw of the 3. It looks brighter than the other 2 in ceiling bounce too.

First the E0:

Second the E01 :naughty::

Third the L0D reb 80 on low:

E01 and E0 on alkalines, L0D on eneloop with 5 minutes use. I'm very happy with the E01 :grin2:
Re: Fenix E01, any info?

I got my olive and black E01's yesterday. The olive one appears to be a bit brighter than the black. Also, both LEDs are a little off center which doesn't seem to have a bad effect on the beam. These are very well made in my opinion and I am happy with them. I am impressed with the throw considering it's just a 5mm LED. I find the beam pattern to be very useful.



Both lights 7" from a piece of paper. Olive on the left, black on the right.

-1 stop

-2 stops

Sorry for the sub-par beam shots, but hopefully you can at least see the difference between the two.
Re: Fenix E01, any info?

I got my olive and black E01's yesterday. The olive one appears to be a bit brighter than the black.
I can't see too much difference between them in brightness, but the olive one has a better tint.

Mine too has a off center led, but the hotspot is still on center. If the led had been centered the hotspot would be off. I guess I got lucky :cool:

My E0 is like this too. I had to bend the led off center to get the hotspot centered. It's not the lights fault, it's just this 5mm led's that is like this, big variations.

You can see at what angle the light is going to come out in by looking at the area between the 2 small wires inside the led, thats the die. It's hard to explain. When the die is in the center when you look directly in to the light, then you have the beam right. ;)
Re: Fenix E01, any info?

Looks cool. I wonder why the LEDs are so often off centre?
I still don't know if the olive or black (anodizing) looks best with my eyes.
I thought they were serial numbered. The ones in streetmaster's photo both have the same #.
I thought they were serial numbered. The ones in streetmaster's photo both have the same #.

They don't actually come with a serial number, but more like a lot number or something like that.

I'm excited to get my colored E01 versions next month!
I thought they were serial numbered. The ones in streetmaster's photo both have the same #.

I believe the serial number refers to the batch rather than individual numbering of the lights.
33 Thousand hits, and more than 700 posts !

Actually had to start a "Part 2" for this thread !

Incredible interest here, for a 15 Dollar flashlight.

Nice job, once again, Fenix !


Now, we're just waitin' for the Pretty Colors !

Still waiting for my E01,

To put it simply, it is a keychain light... on/off gives a decent amount of light to walk with. I don't expect or demand a really bright light, exotic multi-levels or other insanity. Small, light, amazing runtime along with decent moon mode, does not damage the battery and works.
After everything from an Arc AAA, Lambda AAA, Peak AAA, L0D Q4 and LF2X.... I just want something simple that gives a loooong runtime, flat regulation, small and does not overdrive the LED...
Think I found it... still waiting... :)
I just hope one of the E01's I'm receiving has the "yellowish" tint i have seen in some photos. The one i recieived first has the blue tint in the hotspot, but still much better color rendition than the E0 for some reason. Everything the E0 hits turns colorless. (see photos in first post on this page). The E01 seems white there, but it's very blue compared to a cree or rebel led.
i received mine today. i am very happy with it. fit/finish couldn't be better for the price. well worth the price.
I tried one Fenix clip on my E01. It fit near the head, but would need rebent so it doesn't rub while twisting the head. It wanted to slide off the tail area. It may have just been a loose clip, I don't know. I'm sure I could get it to fit just right with 5 minutes and a pair of pliers if I so desired.

What did fit to my satisfaction is a old 2xAAA MiniMag clip on the smooth area near the head.
I really wanted one, but am on the fence now. Still waiting for some outdoor beamshots to get a realistic idea of it's usefulness.
mighty82 / streetmaster, those E01 beamshots look pretty good to me. I hope mine turn out looking like that.

Marduke, did you use the standard Fenix AAA clip in the E01? I ordered a couple of those clips and was hoping that it would fit OK on the E01. Maybe use one on the L0D-Q4 that I have as well.
mighty82 / streetmaster, those E01 beamshots look pretty good to me. I hope mine turn out looking like that.

Marduke, did you use the standard Fenix AAA clip in the E01? I ordered a couple of those clips and was hoping that it would fit OK on the E01. Maybe use one on the L0D-Q4 that I have as well.

Yeah, I have two, but I only tried a spare that I've never used. For all I know, it's just a little loose overall. I know it could quickly be fixed with some pliers though, I just didn't take the time.
They don't actually come with a serial number, but more like a lot number or something like that.

I'm excited to get my colored E01 versions next month!

I believe the number is a dealer identification number with country of origin.

For example:

US233641 - Fenix Store
US957862 - Lighthound
For an additional data point, my black E01 from Brightguy has the number US016629 on it.
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