Fenix LOD emitter? Poll

LED wishes for the LOD?

  • I'd like Fenix to offer us a LOD Q5

    Votes: 27 13.9%
  • I'd rather Fenix skip and go straight to an R2

    Votes: 122 62.9%
  • Im perfectly happy with the present Q4

    Votes: 45 23.2%

  • Total voters


Feb 13, 2007
Would anyone else love to see Fenix get around to putting a Q5 in the LOD?

I keep thinking I'm going to see and announcement but it never comes.
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Re: LOD Q5?

NO!!! I don't want to see a LOD R2!! If it comes out, that means I be eating cup o noodle for 1 month again!!!

ah what the heck... cup o noodle is good for my health anyway.
Re: LOD Q5?

Straight to R2. I have heard that the higher forward voltage of the Q5 would be a struggle for the L0D-CE circuitry to power as efficiently as it can power a Q4. I am pretty sure the R2 has a lower Vf than a Q5.
Re: LOD Q5?

Fenix for whatever reason only puts the top emitters in the biggest lights, when it's these lower powered models that would benefit the most. That said I don't think Q4 to Q5 is that big a jump. I have the old model (P4?) and haven't been that tempted to upgrade to Q4. If they get up to R4 or something like that, maybe I'd find it hard to resist.
Mike, someone posted that it wasnt the higher vf problem in the Q5. :shrug:

i dunno, im happy with the Q4 as it is...what i want is run of SS L0D R2s....:huh:

Ive got 3 LODs..lux3..p4..Q4..they should go right to R2.

A stainless steel R2 LOD would be sweet :takeit:
It its not really that important, the difference between Q4 and Q5 or R2 is minimal.
The Q4 is 100-107 lumen
The Q5 is 107-114 lumen
The R2 is 114-122 lumen
Q4 is more than enough for a keychain light for me. Even if they come out with a Q5, I'll skip it and wait for the R2 or later.
Re: LOD Q5?

Q4 to Q5 would be unnoticeable. R2 might be noticeable, but probably not. IMO it'll be a few bins down the line before fenix do their next jump (R4?)
After reading some of your posts you've convinced me that it would be best if they skipped the Q5 and went straight to the R2. There are good points made about the limited difference in performance but with the reasonable cost of the LOD, purchasing the newest bin actually something I can afford to keep up with. These lights are still much less money than the Draco, Liteflux and others but perform outstandingly, especially with the 10440.

How about it Fenix....is an R2 LOD a possibility?
Re: LOD Q5?

Fenix for whatever reason only puts the top emitters in the biggest lights, when it's these lower powered models that would benefit the most. That said I don't think Q4 to Q5 is that big a jump. I have the old model (P4?) and haven't been that tempted to upgrade to Q4. If they get up to R4 or something like that, maybe I'd find it hard to resist.

I too never made the jump from the original L0D CE to the Q4 version. I loved my old luxeon one, and the upgrade to the P4 Cree was quite dramatic. I find it still does it's job perfectly to this day, but with an AAA light, efficiency is king. My CE version is looking a little worse for wear cosmetically, but I've waited this long and might as well wait some more to get another significant jump once the next letter upgrade comes along. Straight from P4 to R2 would justify a replacement edc for me. That said, Fenix does seem to be picky and a little late to the party in terms of upgrading the latest emitters in some of their lights, as the just-recently-released revision of the L1/2/T only uses a Q2 even while better emitters are readily available. The waiting continues.
Re: LOD Q5?

I love my L0D Q4 so much that I'm looking to get a second one. If they come out with a R2 I'd pick one up in a heartbeat. :)
I want a L0D that will work well with a 10440 and retains all modes. I don't care if it is Q5 or R2.

I've got a LuxIII version, two CE's and a Q4. They all seem to work perfectly with 10440 and retain all modes. Do you have one or more that don't work well or retain all modes?
I've got a LuxIII version, two CE's and a Q4. They all seem to work perfectly with 10440 and retain all modes. Do you have one or more that don't work well or retain all modes?

Sorry......I haven't received mine yet but I assumed like the L1D and L2D....if I use rechargeables...I will lose the lower modes. I guess what I really want is for Fenix to officially support the use of rechargeable lithiums.
Without owning an LOD, I'd be happy with the Q4 for now and wait for a significantly better emitter to come along that is noticeably brighter than the Q4. Rather than just struggling to keep up with relatively minor emitter advances.