Fenix P3D runtimes


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 10, 2004
Billings, Montana, USA




My Pila 168S's are pretty well worn out and all of my 17670's are from dead laptop battery packs, so I won't be doing runtimes with them. I did a few for the hell of it, but I won't be posting them. Maybe if I get some new 17670's to use.

I decided to mark the time until the low power warning kicks in instead of time to 50% brightness because the 50% brightness was is pretty hard to figure out accurately.

This is probably my new favorite Fenix light, and it is also the only Cree XR-E 2x123 light that I know of that will run in regulation on a 17670. I got about an hour on Max with one of my worn out 17670's. When the low power warning kicks in you can just kick it down to a lower level and it will go back into regulation for a while.

So far this light is also the most efficient 2x123 XR-E light I've tested.

Thanks once again for another great bit of info.

A foot note to other owners. The Led in my P3D is way off centre, but it actually produces the smoothest beam of all my Cree Fenix's.
Very nice graphs Chevro! Excellent runtime. Curses! Now I had to go and buy one of these! Should be here in about 3 days.:grin2:
Thanks Chevrofreak. I did an unscientific test with my P3D (natural version) using a single Ultrafire unprotected 17670 cell (just bought from Lighthound). I ran in on High mode for 3 hours before terminating the test because it was late. I do not know how much longer it may have ran before the flicker would start.

I was able to run in Turbo mode with the cell as well. On high, I was able to run for approximately 2.5 hours (intemittantly checking run in Turbo) before I would see the flicker in Turbo mode. At this point I was still able to run regulated in High for the 3 hours. This really suprised my. I am happy to run the P3D with this cell. According to some information, the P3D is not able to run with a single 17650 cell. This was a suprise. At the end of the test I measured the cell voltage at 3.7 volts.
Chevrofreak, thanks for the great run time charts.

What does the low battery warning look like?
i dont own a any cr123 lights but was wondering is the rayovac the best of the bateries you can buy in stores or would duracell ultras or E2 lithium123 be better or all the same

nevermind i found your 123 shootout
Well thank you CF!!!
I just had to buy one of these(with the P2D body of course).If this spending spree on lights doesn't stop soon, my kids will never go to colege.:crackup:
Fantastic runtime Charts CF!A coupld of questions what does a 17670 look like? Is it the same length as two x CR123's?Whats the advantage of using a single 17670 instead of two of AW's RCR123's?Now if only i could get one of these from the Japanese dealer, who's offering them with the Q2 Bin emitter and a textured reflector...