Finally an M6


Mar 27, 2010
great smoky mtns
After years of wanting an M6, but not buying because of the price I pulled the trigger on one today because lapolicegear has them 15% off.
Not to break your heart but you do realize Spyder Tactical offers CPF members a 20% discount and free shipping for orders over $100?
Nice snag. Factoring in the batteries that is a fair deal.

Let the customizing begin...
Excellent one too... have mine configured with the WA1185 and feed it with rechargeable....
Cool, I've always wanted an M6 and wow, I see they are available with smooth bezels again, I thought I'd have to find a vintage one for that.

What brand were the "free" batteries?
This is the best light you bought in your entire life, and the best you will ever buy in your life.

There is an endless list of mods available.

I would save those extra batteries you have got for eg. single cell CR123A-based (LED?) lights.
Or, according to the "one is none, two is one" saying, buy an extra E1E :twothumbs
Then, you'll have the smallest AND the largest SF light ;)
(you can add a Lumens Factory lamp later, so you can use rechargeables in the E1E too).

The very first thing you should buy is a "Mdocod battery holder for Surefire M6".
The next thing is to buy two (or better four) protected 18650s in case you don't have these already.

Make sure you ONLY use the MN20 lamp assembly, (or the MN15, which is great indeed, but NEVER use the MN21 with 2X 18650), then put two 18650 in this holder, load it, and.... you will actually start to USE the M6, not being afraid or the otherwise HUGE running costs :green:

With the excellent AW 18650-2600s you'll have a run time of around one hour.

More modding options? If you want more throw and more overall light output than the MN20 delivers, get yourself a "3X17670 holder" by either Mdocod or FiveMega, then add three AW 17670s and a Lumens Factory HO-M6R lamp and see what this combo can do! It is regarded by many here on the forum as their favorite setup. Do not use MN15/MN20/MN21 with this 3-cell setup! These lamps will suffer an instaflash.

What else? As soon as they become available again, snag yourself at least two Fivemega MN-bi-pin adapters. Then buy a few WA lamps (2-cell: either WA1111 or WA1274) or for 3-cell: WA1166 or WA1185.

I'm sure, which way you will turn, it doesn't matter: you will enjoy your M6!!

Hey Timmo I have the 2x18650 holder for my M6 and currently running a MN15 in it. Is the MN20 the only other lamp I can run with the 2x18650?
You can also use some of the Lumens Factory bulbs such as the HO-M3T, EO-M3T and IMR-M3T. The WA 1111 bi-pin bulb is a very bright option with FiveMega's adaptor.

Hey Timmo I have the 2x18650 holder for my M6 and currently running a MN15 in it. Is the MN20 the only other lamp I can run with the 2x18650?
Hey Timmo I have the 2x18650 holder for my M6 and currently running a MN15 in it. Is the MN20 the only other lamp I can run with the 2x18650?

I've run the MN16 w/ 2x18650 in a bored M4, and I'll prob run it again in my M6 with the mdocod batt adaptor. It's awesome, but I've read a few posts where the SF HOLAs will suffer decreased life when used w/ 2 x 18650s... I didn't read anything about that in mdocod's compatibility guide, and that thread is like the CPF bible! :D

I'm currently running the MN15 w/ 2 x Wolf Eyes 18650s with the MB20 loaded w/ primaries for backup. Not the greatest output, but pretty decent and great runtime. I've got 4-5 hours of runtime if needed with this setup...

Once I order some AWs, I'll be running the MN16 again, and maybe even the MN20. The WE 18650s never could power up the MN16 on a single click unless it was really cold out (lower resistance w/ the colder filament I've been told).

But the M6 is the mother... So many options it's awesome! :rock:
Indeed, all Surefire HOLAs will be significantly overdriven, as these lamps rely on the voltage sag under heavy load of the primary cells. These won't have more than roughly 2.2 Volts per piece, so a total of 6.6V for a 3-cell setup. Apply 7.6V and you quickly see: lifespan of the bulb will surely be compromised!

Indeed, the lamps you can run with 2X 18650 is of course not limited to the MN15 and MN20. Lumens Factory makes the HO-M3T (which I use with great succes: it has a remarkable throw for a lamp just consuming 2.1 Amps), then there's the EO-M3T and the IMR-M3T.

Also, several Welch Allyn lamps can be used: the WA1111 and WA1274 are excellent choices. They, however, require the Fivemega "MN bi-pin adapter" which is sold out at the moment :mecry:
If you can get them somewhere, I surely would buy the WA1336. This is a 6V lamp, but due to the long life (525 hours) there's some room for overdriving it. When overdriven to 7.4V it draws around 0.72A and will give 116 bulb-lumens. It will have a life of 40 hours still. Powered by two AW 18650-2600s you will easily have a runtime of THREE hours! And the light is still enough for 99% of all tasks you do. It makes a great camping light out of your M6.

Congrats on your purchase. It's been one of the most flexible and enjoyable, medium format flashlights ever made.

Warning, it can be additive..... ;)
