Finding houses in the dark.


Newly Enlightened
Jul 4, 2009
UK,England,Surrey,On a chair in front of my comput
OK I have a pd30 q5 and I am thinking about getting a TK30 or M1X.
The main use for the light will be looking for house names or numbers at night when I do my delivery driving. (will get general use as well as camping)
I know from reading other threads that the M1x is a good thrower but has a doughnut hole and the tk30 has a good shape beam ie no hole but does not throw as far as the m1x. (also tk 40 is same but to many batteries for me)
So my question is:-
Will the the TK30 out throw the PD30 and if so by what sort of amount. ie 10 20 30 meters or more or same distance just bigger hot spot.
Is the doughnut hole in the m1x worth worying about and does this out do the tk30 or pd30 by much.

Ps: Think real world use not shinning at a white wall I am trying to find houses in the dark ie stupid ownwers hiding house names/numbers in trees and side of walls you cant see from the road usualy black writing on a brown sign.
I'm fairly sure in "real world" use, you won't have any issues with the M1X.

I don't actually own one, but hope to. All the reviews I've read here seem to show that the doughnut issue is minimal.
I use my lights for the same type of thing all the time. i work in law enforcement and they make those darn numbers small or try and hide them like you said. I think either of your choices are going to be more than adequate for your purpose. I wouldn't say overkill because being a flashoholic more is better but I seem to find numbers on houses set far back off the street just fine with a Quark AA and My Malkoff M60 even my Fenix LD01 throws enough for me to see to the house. So I'd say pick which one you want as they will both do the job sufficiently.

The TK30 should out throw the PD30 by a little but will light up the whole area in front of you instead of just a small point.

I do not own a M1X but would say don't worry about the donut whole you just wont really notice it in the real world and yes it will out duo the PD30 by much.
If you're trying to find numbers without annoying the homeowner, try a M@g aspheric. I have used mine when plowing snow in the middle of the night, and it'll light just the address.
sorry aspheric a bit to dedicated for me also i like the wide search light but need a bit more range than the pd30 which i must say is still very good for my needs.
You never know if there sign will be on there front door, above/next to the door, on the garage or gate (usualy open so you cant see if a sign on it) in tree by gate on ground by gate hence a fairly wide beam like the pd30 is needed.
Then when you have finnaly found the random location for there sign you have to read it usualy a dark wooden sign with black letters or brass numbers to small or far away to read from the road with out a good light.

Ps dont ever expect numbers to go 1 2 3 4 or 2 4 6 8.
I've tried the TK30 and it does indeed have a donut(at least mine did) and it was very noticeable at close ranges. It beat my Quark 123^2 neutral, P3D(pretty sure the PD30 is throwier then this version), and P60 Q3 5A lights. I can try it against my ROP LE if you like. If this is suburbia neighborhoods, I'll sure it will be fine. It might even annoy the neighbors.

From these beamshots, korean flashlight forums . It looks like the M1X definitely has more throw and more light concentrated in its beam. Spill on the TK30 is plentiful bright though. I'm going to try it in a run tonight.
Those beam shots seem to confirm the dothnut in the m1x but it can also just about be seen in the tk30 what I dont want to have to do is aim off center to read house signs which make me like the tk30 more also looking at those pics it looks like the tk30 will have the range i need.
I like my pd30 as it goes in my pocket but the tk30 wont but it doesnt matter as it will mainly be used from the car or on the campsite.
Again am I falling in to the lets stare at a white wall trap.
Sorry if it sounds like im going around in circles but its a lot to spend and get the wrong one.
I meant hole is visible in the center not donut for the TK30 beam, doh!.

The TK30 can fit in your pockets with the bezel up, just not all the way in like your PD30. You can also downsize the TK30 by unscrewing the extension piece to make it 1x18650 for tops of quoted "370 lumens". To my eyes, it is close. Maybe a strong lanyard with it might be good.
I have to be a pain in the butt, but I would highly recommend the TK40 with a set or two of eneloops. This light is flawless for your use if size is not an issue.

You can light up a whole damn house from the road to see house numbers without getting out of your car.

I may soon own the TK30 just because, but the protected Li ion batteries shut down abruptly when they run down. Very, very bad if you really need your light and forgot to charge it up. When I buy mine I will keep regular primaries for back up always.
I may soon own the TK30 just because, but the protected Li ion batteries shut down abruptly when they run down. Very, very bad if you really need your light and forgot to charge it up. When I buy mine I will keep regular primaries for back up always.

Look at the run time graphs at for the tk40. It is an abrupt drop off.
I used to deliver pizzas and one feature that came in really handy on a house-finding light was momentary on. I used a Maglite 2D with the 3W Maglite drop-in LED and it had good enough brightness and throw. A reverse clicky switch would be annoying while driving, and I'm glad I had momentary. The large size of the Mag 2D (compared to an EDC light that I also had) made it easier to grab the light from the passenger seat without taking my eyes off the road.
Many years ago when I was delivering pizzas, I used a 4D stock Maglite and it did just fine. No need to spend $140+ on an address finder...

... unless the house is over 100 yards away. Then you'll need a good pair of binoculars as well. :grin2:
If you have a Lowes nearby, you might be able to find a 2-D Husky. All the throw you need and fairly cheap.
It seems to me that all you really need is to be able to illuminate a relatively small spot from a distance away, correct?

You might consider the Ultrafire recoil throwers.
I have had all three: TK40, TK30 and the M1X. I ended up keeping just the TK40 because of the UI. Head twisting is not my thing.

For what you intend, you can't go wrong with any of them. I'd say choose the one that feels best in the hand.
Not to worried about fitting in pocket or battery life as will mainly be car based pd30 will still be in my pocket and a fresh set of 123's in the glove box. Although I will probably get some rechargables soon.
Sadly the nearest lowes is probaly a few thousand miles away as im in the uk.
More intrested if they will out throw my pd 30 from those pics i am leaning towards the tk30 both have great ui if not a little diffrent not realy after a dedicated thrower but at the same time i will always want to get another light for the collection so a thrower may be got at a later date

Stuff off the shelf in shops over here is mainly limited to energiser/everyready own brand, mag lights some led lenser and ocasionaly inova so it will be mail order which means I cant see or hold one before I buy there are some uk sites otherwise I have to order from the u.s.
Any thing over 26$ means i pay import tax at 15% + 10£ handling fee and posiblely postage as well.

Still the Pound is good against the dollar £60 = $100 but not as good as last year.
Tk 30 from us is £102.82 from over there (47s) after dicount and uk tax etc.
tk 30 from flashaholics its about the same a £110.35
£8.00 = 2big mac meals over here.

so i often have a limited choice.
I use a mag 2D rebel led and it lights up houses no problem from far away with a nice hot spot and is easily available at brick n mortar stores for under $35
Many thanks hyperloop thats the same as flashaholics (sister site same post address but no cpf discount)

Due to taxes etc I will almost definatly buy from uk.
I have used flashaholics for my pd30 and gf's ex10 there service is very good, as was 47s with my ezcr2.(under our uk tax limit with there clearance offer. Ther are no import charges under £18 /$30 other wise you have to add 15%(17% in new year) and post office fee £12)

All i realy want is a bit more throw than the pd30 same batteries and good for general use Ie camping (to go with my aa mini mags with teralux upgrades)
Which were replace by a led lenser 1.25watt v2 thingy and then the pd 30 same story as other torch fans always want something better.
Whilst im thinking of batteries i have decided to get a pila charger sadly $95 after uk taxes etc.
but atleast the batteries are cheap enough to import with out paying taxes(uk price is ok to)
Which would be best 4 x r123 or 2x 18650 for the tk30 or should i say is 4x rcr123 ok.
I know the pd30 and ex 10 only use rcr123.
A common batery makes life easyer but two types is not the end of the world.
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