Newly Enlightened
OK I have a pd30 q5 and I am thinking about getting a TK30 or M1X.
The main use for the light will be looking for house names or numbers at night when I do my delivery driving. (will get general use as well as camping)
I know from reading other threads that the M1x is a good thrower but has a doughnut hole and the tk30 has a good shape beam ie no hole but does not throw as far as the m1x. (also tk 40 is same but to many batteries for me)
So my question is:-
Will the the TK30 out throw the PD30 and if so by what sort of amount. ie 10 20 30 meters or more or same distance just bigger hot spot.
Is the doughnut hole in the m1x worth worying about and does this out do the tk30 or pd30 by much.
Ps: Think real world use not shinning at a white wall I am trying to find houses in the dark ie stupid ownwers hiding house names/numbers in trees and side of walls you cant see from the road usualy black writing on a brown sign.
The main use for the light will be looking for house names or numbers at night when I do my delivery driving. (will get general use as well as camping)
I know from reading other threads that the M1x is a good thrower but has a doughnut hole and the tk30 has a good shape beam ie no hole but does not throw as far as the m1x. (also tk 40 is same but to many batteries for me)
So my question is:-
Will the the TK30 out throw the PD30 and if so by what sort of amount. ie 10 20 30 meters or more or same distance just bigger hot spot.
Is the doughnut hole in the m1x worth worying about and does this out do the tk30 or pd30 by much.
Ps: Think real world use not shinning at a white wall I am trying to find houses in the dark ie stupid ownwers hiding house names/numbers in trees and side of walls you cant see from the road usualy black writing on a brown sign.