Flashlight humor


Newly Enlightened
Jan 17, 2003
I work with a typical bunch of smartmouth guys. Today at work, I brought my 6PL with me since I knew I'd be looking in some dark places in our warehouse. I walked into our lead office and one of the smartmouths had the usual remark: "hey! is that a flashlight in your pocket or are you glad to see me?" of course I whipped out the 6PL and I said "don't flatter yourself...it's a flashlight" Being a Maglite freak he said "awww ain't that a cute little thing, let me see it" Of course the first thing he did after I showed him how to turn it on was blast himself right in the face with 80 lumens of power. He complained about the "dots" about an hour later. I said....Size isn't everything! (just thought I'd share)
Any of you ever get the "last laugh"?
That's funny. But the first thing people usually do when I let them see my lights is blast me in the eyes. I don't let people borrow my flashlights often. :scowl:
Let's not forget the ones who get warned not to stare at it when they turn it on and still do and then whine about it later to you.
There probably use to ol el chepo lights, and dont assume a little pocket rocket is so darn bright.:)

Yup, the original OP story would have been even funnier if, rather than a "lowly" standard 6PL, the light used would have been something like an NDI (or similar) set to it's high mode. :devil:
Re: Flashlight humorhttp://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/images/icons/evilgrin07.gif

I agree...however this individual thinks the sun shines out of his 3D Mag. He thinks LEDs are good for power indicators only. Perhaps his experience with my 6PL may have changed his mind.
I don't know if more lumens would have made him smarter sooner or more blind longer.....
Re: Flashlight humorhttp://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/images/icons/evilgrin07.gif

I had a great time after I just received my Lummi Wee 80 lumen. I went around the company showing off my "little" light and saw the repeated head-jerks.
My 2 year old son woke me up on Saturday morning by shining my (fresh Duracell Ultra batteried) M6 at my closed eyes. :sleepy:It wasn't the light so much as the heat that jolted me awake. :duck:Then, before I could do anything, he bonked my cheek with the strike bezel.:twak:

Nothing worse than being assaulted with your own weapon:shakehead
I walk at night with my wife and I usually take my E2d with me. One night I had a red mini-mag lens on it. My devious side noted that if you flash a cars reflectors at a distance they will flash back without giving away your position unless you are looking at the light at the time of illumination. We were going through a park and a couple had just got out and activated their car alarm. I hid behind a tree and as they started to walk off I flashed there lights to make it appear they had disabled their alarm. I did this 3 times before they started to look around. My wife just rolled her eyes and told me to grow up!

HA-HA, I'm so immature...
My 2 year old son woke me up on Saturday morning by shining my (fresh Duracell Ultra batteried) M6 at my closed eyes. :sleepy:It wasn't the light so much as the heat that jolted me awake. :duck:Then, before I could do anything, he bonked my cheek with the strike bezel.:twak:

Nothing worse than being assaulted with your own weapon:shakehead

Haha that is pretty funny. :oops:

I have had people check out the M6 and shine all 500lumens in thier eyes :D.
I remember when I got my Mag85 (3D host..) and I was showing the light to a neighbor of mine. She unknowningly turned it on,and aimed it at her white front door. OOPS!! (1200 lumens reflected off of white door-not good..) Her reaction was priceless. I think I've given her the wrong idea about how bright a Maglite is supposed to be.
Friend: "Is this one bright?" (picking up an M4)

Me: "No, not really"

Friend: shines it in his eyes "Sh*t you said it wasnt bright"

Me: "Well not compared to some of my other lights"
People always stare into the lens when trying the lights... it's weird, but so funny.

LOL!!! I like the way you put that so matter of factly...lol. That is so true and hilarious at the same time. I'll never understand that because I've never had the urge to do it. I'm still chuckling..:)