Call yourself a flash-a-holic? a true enthusiast would have kept the P7 Mag & got the 6P as well!
BTW not a bad price considering you get an additional 8 primaries, perhaps you'd like to power your 6P off a 17670 cell (fits unbored 6P tube)?
Well, its 6 additional primaries (2 that come with the light, and 6 more, on top of that). I'll be removing the incan as soon as I get an LED module, too (I see no point in 1 hour runtime @ 60 lumens on a pair of CR123, when I can get 2+ hours @ more lumens)
I don't have money for both, though (It's gonna cost $40 in batteries to get Nimhs for the 4D, when I can sell it, and upgrade the 6P to ~600 lumens, and have tons of batteries). Plus, the 4D is too big for my liking. When I get more money, I'm gonna go with a different setup, using 3 3x XP-E (or XP-G) boards in a Mag (looking at a possible custom battery pack, too), and build the whole thing myself (everything from the driver to the heatsink).
If I had a job, I'd be keeping the Mag, but I want a lighter/better light. It's not easy carrying the Mag around (plus, you raise lots of eyebrows, carrying it in your pocket at night. Had a cop stop me, because he though I was scouting the neighborhood for houses to rob, when I was actually just walking home.. He was shocked at the brightness of the Mag on high.)
Good idea, pick up a 17670 LiIon rechargeable (plus a second for a spare, a single (large) 3.7v LiIon runs great with some of the LED modules) and save the SF CR123's for the zombies...
I've got tons of 17670s, so thats not a problem, but, though they're all unprotected (battery pack innards). It's not a big deal, though. I'll keep the 2 CR123's that come in the flashlight packaging with me whenever I take the light anywhere, in case the Li-Ion ones don't work for some reason. I'll probably toss a pair in my backpack, as well, along with other places/things I carry with me often (you can never be too cautious).
When I choose to get a good p60 dropin (thats not the Moddoo), I'm looking at the last dropin on this page:
(which is this