Have you ever regretted turning someone to flashaholism?


Dec 16, 2007
Title basically says it all...have you ever wished you hadn't introduced someone to the wonderful world of flashlights?

(I hope I don't get banned for asking such a treasonous question!!) :duck::banned: :tsk:
my friend who is a flashaholic and introduced me to CPF is one light shy of me now....but i dont think he regrets it. he finally has someone who speaks his language! :twothumbs
(yeah im talking to you patchncn)
not flashlights, but i do regret telling my grandpa about ebay... now he always askes me if something can be sold on ebay

I haven't turned anyone into a flashaholic yet. Mainly because I keep a low profile. They already think I'm nuts with the amount I spend on knives.
i loaned my Fenix T1 (indefinete loan :eek:) to my buddy whos in Singapore's civil defense. Basically, fire fighter, but also has attachments with Ambulance units and stuff. Next day he calls me:

"did you say you have a 700lumen maglite? wow, i cant even imagine what that must look like"

on the way much? :naughty:

and it all started with a humble "anglehead" light mod i made for him

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Yes, I've regretted it, but only because my friend's wife beats me up(playfully) for getting him hooked on spending that much money on "only" flashlights.

Crenshaw you following me around? I post then you post. or is it the other way around?! haha :nana:
I managed to turn my friend into a Mac fiend, but no flashaholic conversions yet.

Although I do have 2 3D mags from Costco waiting for the 2 aspheric kits from KD on their way for some family members.
The reason I ask is that I have a friend who I introduced to the world of lights, and now every time I see him it seems he only wants to talk about flashlights. I like to talk lights as much as the next guy but I can only take so much "hey guess what I saw on the web...hey DX has an ultrafire with 32 P7s...hey this one guy built a light that supposed to be the brightest in the world..." I don't need to talk about lights every time I see him!

I have other interests too, ya know...:sigh: :sigh: :sigh:
Heh, I'll find out soon, already got my buddy onto the cr123a boat (1 cell light only, dont trust him with 2+ yet).
yes, somewhere sometime ago someone whom I know was turned flashaholic and sometime later still in that somewhere I am plagued by the fact that HE HAS MORE LIGHTS THAN I DO!:ohgeez:
yes, somewhere sometime ago someone whom I know was turned flashaholic and sometime later still in that somewhere I am plagued by the fact that HE HAS MORE LIGHTS THAN I DO!:ohgeez:

thats how it is for me. but im the friend. the guy that turned me flashy doesnt have as many lights because he keeps buying clothes from Tad Gear. (I cant afford Tad Gear, but i do frequent LA Policegear)

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