

Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 19, 2007
The 11th Dimension
Whats the deal with this light? Legit?
These pics are the hypderblitz mod, and one looks like its just been increased in brightness. :confused:

this site looks pretty sus, they say it puts out 5600 lumens at 5700k 50w hid, theres no way at that colour temp right?
Looks legit but, 20 CR123s for 75 minutes runtime?? This in need of a rechargeable custom battery pac from LuxLuthor otherwise a need to get a second job to stay out of the dark!

It's legit. (thread)

The pics look like that becasue that light took part in the grand hi-power shootout which included the HyperBlitz and others.
In comparing their website pics with the actual shootout pics on CPF's thread, it sure looks like they used the HyperBlitz and LarryK14 shots instead of their own shots?
I just sent Richard, at Group 5 Engineering an email making him aware of the HyperBlitz beamshots used on his website.

Let's see what the response is.
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Look at some of the bulloney on their website. They say their flashlight is the most powerful flashlight available! WOW, where's the line to pay 3K for one of these? It's no wonder they disappeared from CPF.

It looks like the commercially produced PH40 outguns their light based on the shootout. The commercially produced PH50 would further outgun their offerings.
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I just sent Richard, at Group 5 Engineering an email making him aware of the HyperBlitz beamshots used on his website.

Let's see what the response is.

Wait, you mean they posted beams from the Hyperblitz/Larry14K as mis-representations of their HID light? If so, that' beyond lame, and hard to believe it would be done intentionally. I thought you guys met them at that shootout and had some nice conversations, so wonder why this strange stuff going on? Didn't you get their contact informatin?
It sure looks like it to me. Look at the brightness of the tank at the far end of the shots on their lights and on the LarryK and Blitz in the original thread. Compare it to their web shots. More noticeable is the amount of light in the foreground prior to the mound of soil that spilled over the curb on the left. It's not lite up in the orig group 5 shots in the original thread. It is very lite up on their web page just like the original thread LarryK and Blitz shots.

And most noticeable is that in their web shots, you can very easily see the blue beam of light on its way to the target. Interestingly, in the original thread shots of the HB
s, there is no blue beam on the HB1 and a beam just barely visible on the HB2. However, the angle of the beams relative to the ground are a little different. They were taking their own pics of all the lights so maybe it's their own pics of the LarryK and Blitz.

Open two windows on your PC and do a side by side comparison. It's pretty obvious.
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Wow, what a load of BS. I can't wait to see what they have to say about this... :shakehead
The advertising picture claiming to be a beamshot of the HB1 at 400 yards, which is actually a picture of Mark's HyperBlitz at 327 yards.

A real picture of the HB1
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Yeah, I forgot about beam color. Their bulb is 5.7K which is clearly not the color of the light in the pic on their website.
I didn't know they were misrepresenting the Hyperblitz as their own. I thought that if they used shootout pics that those images would at the very least be of their own lights. Something other than that is despicable.
First four are photo's I took, last two are from their website. If they make changes to their website, then it was an error. If they do not make changes then they are guilty of misrpresnting others product for their own
Those beam shots are definitely of the HyperBlitz and the LarryK14. Nothing else there illuminated the tree and the hillside as brightly.

You can click on their small pictures to view larger versions. One and two.

They had their own Canon 5D set up next to Mr. Ted Bears 5D.

Here are Mr. Ted Bear's pictures.

Here are mtbkndad's pictures.

I was there and I know that the previous pictures were labeled accurately.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
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Well let's leave them an "open door" that somehow they got the images mixed up when posted on their website. It's one thing to say they lit up across a highway in daylight as a creative interpretation. It's a whole other "situation" with legal consequences to knowingly use beamshots from the Blitz/Larry lights as their own. :eek:

Didn't some of you that setup up the shot have their contact information beyond the email on their site? It might be a case of one person not knowing what another did with the shots. :sssh:
Although neither of the HB series lights are rechargeable and we at CPF felt that the price was high, each light has some great beam attributes. The HB1 has a very Beast like beam, and the HB2 has some impressive throw. Too bad that they didn't use the actual beamshots on their website.

Hopefully I'll get an email response from them tomorrow. :whistle:
Ok, Rich returned my email two times. The first time he told be that he'd look into it. A little while latter he sent another email with an explanation.

Rich stated that a gentleman named Jan took these two photos at the shoot-out with a Canon 5D and that he had only taken a couple of shots. Jan told Rich that the shots were only to do a comparison between the HB-1 and HB-2.

Rich said that he spoke by phone with one of the CPF moderators this morning about the same issue. But doesn't have a return phone number.

Without quoting word for word, Rich asked me to please let the CPFers know that he's not trying to mislead anyone. He siad if we still feel the photos are not as he has stated to let him know.

Do you guys think it's at all possible that those pictures were of the HB1 and HB2? To me, the beam profile isn't similar at all with especially with the HB1 and the color temperature is way off too. I'm not quite sure how to respond to Rich now other than to tell him that I don't think those pictures of of his lights.......:confused:
....Do you guys think it's at all possible that those pictures were of the HB1 and HB2?....

Definitely not possible. With two other cameras documenting the beams, there is no question. The two impractical, stupid bright, massive side spill lumen monsters there that night were both hotwires.

I thought that Jan took pictures of most of the lights that night. I was not paying close attention to what he was shooting though.

Mr Ted Bear used a digital voice recorder after each shot to note the digital image number and which light it was. The other photographer was mtbkndad and he used a notepad to write down the digital image number with the corresponding light. I am confident that their photos represent the correct lights.

On the other hand, it is nice to have to have a new medium resolution beam shot of my toy.