Well, interesting evening last night, I was driving home ~9:30 PM and I saw what appeared to be a near-accident on southbound I-5 just south of Salem, OR (in fact, at that moment I actually thought an accident was occurring because the driver almost completely lost control of his car and nearly hit a short semi trailer). I hung (WAY) back for a while keeping an eye on the vehicle, who was actually doing OK lane-wise but was having difficulty maintaining a constant speed (varying from 50 to 70 mph). After he drifted over the white line once, I was reasonably sure & called 911 and was able to keep the troopers updated regarding mile markers we were passing.
After giving a description of the vehicle (I mean, how many older-style two-door domestic autos drive around with a refrigerator literally tied to the top of the roof?), he finally pulled into the rest area ~10 miles north of Albany, Oregon. I parked a discreet distance away from his car, at which point a number of officers arrived & I was able to provide a detailed report. And yes, one officer assured me that he was very intoxicated. :shakehead
After giving a description of the vehicle (I mean, how many older-style two-door domestic autos drive around with a refrigerator literally tied to the top of the roof?), he finally pulled into the rest area ~10 miles north of Albany, Oregon. I parked a discreet distance away from his car, at which point a number of officers arrived & I was able to provide a detailed report. And yes, one officer assured me that he was very intoxicated. :shakehead