This is my first post, and I've read everything that seems to be relevant but I'm still up in the air about which light is right for my purposes. I'd like to find the highest lumen (OTF) farthest throwing hand held, rechargeable light available. We have a small farm in western PA, and we enjoy watching the deer and other night time critters. It's about 250 yards from my back door to the woodline, and I would like to turn as much of that to near daylight as possible. Throw is what is most important, but I'd like to spill at least 15 yards at the two hundred yard mark if possible. I'm budgeting around $300 (with some flexibility) for this light, as long as it meets these parameters. I don't expect/care if it fits in my pocket, and runtime doesn't have to be huge. What i would like is enough time to sweep the area, which is about 300 yards wide and again 200 yards deep, and then be able to watch for 5 or 10 minutes whatever wildlife appears. It would be helpful also if I could kick the lumen output down a peg or two to make it a comfortable walking light as well.
I've learned an awful lot from CPF, but unfortunately not before I bought a couple of clunkers. Thanks in advance for any advice on this.
I've learned an awful lot from CPF, but unfortunately not before I bought a couple of clunkers. Thanks in advance for any advice on this.