I bought a XeRay 50w last year about this time and we love it!!!!! I am a night manager of a 2000 acre horse farm and have a pretty impressive arsenal of lights for the crew to choose from. We got the 50w Xeray last year, and an AE 25w Xenide this year, along with assorted Collins Dynamics handhelds, magchargers, and UltraStingers.
Anyway, here is my problem:
The light output of the XeRay has diminished rapidly, and it occaisionally buzzes and flickers. This light gets used on a nightly basis in all kinds of conditions but not abused. Everyone loves it so much, they treat it very well.
I am wondering, is this simply a bulb that is dying a slow death? Or do I have a ballast or other problem?
I am pretty ignorant about HID technology so any advice will be helpful.
Anyway, here is my problem:
The light output of the XeRay has diminished rapidly, and it occaisionally buzzes and flickers. This light gets used on a nightly basis in all kinds of conditions but not abused. Everyone loves it so much, they treat it very well.
I am wondering, is this simply a bulb that is dying a slow death? Or do I have a ballast or other problem?
I am pretty ignorant about HID technology so any advice will be helpful.