Duh! Why didn't I think of that?
Thanks, Silverfox. I did that by accident...sorta.
I had 4 of my older 2500 bats, which should have been in the same state of discharge. I noticed two were fully charged much faster, and this was my initial indication that maybe my battery fleet is tiring.
Didn't really think about it again until my wife indicated that the camera wasn't operating as long as it used to. This is frustrating because we have a 6 month-old, so keeping the camera rolling is important!
I will do the charge/discharge cycle to see what happens.
I really want to get some Eneloops (or Duraloops) because I believe my camera may perform better with them, but I hate to waste perfectly good batteries...hence my desire to confirm impending weakness.
Funny...though I am far from poor, I still cannot justify wastefulness.
Currently, I have Rayovac Hybrids and some Kodak 2500s, so I worry that my wife or someone else will mix them up, though I do keep them apart and instruct everyone to only use bats together with the same label.
This is another reason to get the Eneloops--no possibility of mix-up!
LOL! I just noticed your siglines!!!
Edited to add: This could be my imagination, but lately I think the bats have been coming off the charger much hotter than in the past. Could that be an indication of the bats having problems?
Take care,