Is there a good way to clean a smooth reflector without marring it's surface and reflectivity? I have a couple with oily fingerprints near the outer edge.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks in advance.
60 grit sand paper gets pretty much everything off the reflector.
Seriiously though, do not try to wipe the shiny surface. What I do is swish the reflector in a strong solution of Dawn and water, mavbe enen soak it for a while. then rinse thoroughly. Finally I rinse the tap water off uing reverse osmosis water.(distilled will work too) then allow to air dry. ANY wiping action will be detrimental.
Good Luck
Edit: the reason for the second rinse is that tap water has minerals in it which will leave spots or streaks. distilled water does not.
Any certain brand of wipe you recommend Mac?You can use a lens cleaning wipe along with warm water and dish detergent. Just make sure the lens cloth is soaked in the water first. Also do nor use any pressure when wiping. I hold the relfector under the water when wiping and have had excellent results. Once in a great while I will get one that you can faintly see the markings from cleaning.
I have probably done 50 or so using this method.
Oops! Double post. Sorry.You can use a lens cleaning wipe along with warm water and dish detergent. Just make sure the lens cloth is soaked in the water first. Also do nor use any pressure when wiping. I hold the relfector under the water when wiping and have had excellent results. Once in a great while I will get one that you can faintly see the markings from cleaning.
I have probably done 50 or so using this method.