I believe I'm the only forumite with an animated avatar.

maxa beam

Feb 26, 2006
.. Of this variety.

If you have the newest version of Firefox, my avatar is animated. If not, it shows two lasers shooting into the sky with my name displayed. It's not a .Gif.
It's a .png!

I've never seen a .png avatar before. Not here, not anywhere.

Now I can stroll around in my two frames of goodness knowing I'm unique.

Whoo hoo.
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It's static on Opera 9.20 (an older version).
I don't see it with my version of Firefox 2.x, but I've seen plenty of animated avitars on here.

personally im glad we dont have loads of animated stuff blinking around everytime we open a new thread.

Ive opened people's facebook/friendster/blog pages, or threads in other forums, only to be assaulted with music or loads of blinky icons....not fun..

I've been using SeaMonkey (the evolution of the old non-firefox Mozilla) for a while. I had FF installed, but rarely used it.

I was then convinced to try FF3. To see which of the two eats more memory, I upgraded to the last version of both browsers.

Now I have FF3, which runs all my plugins but takes about 40/50% more RAM for a given set of tabs, and the newest SeaMonkey, which takes less memory but now refuses to run FlashBlock, which is essential to me.

Moral of the story: if it ain't broken, don't fix it
FF isn't that bad on memory. It works fine on even my oldest Windows 98 'puter.
Our rules do address animated avatars.

Generally, if we take note of or receive a complaint of a distracting avatar that's winking, blinking, flashing or strobing, we simply remove it. Whether any moderator or administrator has one of the browsers that let you see the animated png avatars, I don't know. In that case, we may have to place more reliance on the reported ones, and consider that we might not be able to see all the animation ourselves.

Anyway, the best consideration in selecting an avatar is to try visualizing it as others might see it.
It's a 1100 millisecond framerate, and only two frames. Not seizure material, I think.