Nov 18, 2006
NJ /Oh / Fla
Well I have now tested about all the normal production cree lights now.Both in my light box ( similar to quickbeam) and on walks and such at night.I even compare them back to back.I have done over a dozen now and here is my conclusions.

My personal rank is based on :
Overall build quality
Ease of use
Run time

All are decent for sure. 2 of them really shine ( pun):
These are both the best bang-for-the-buck and usefull IMO.

Amilite T5..IMO best small light ever 116 Lumens on my gear
Wolfeyes 6a/cree ..IMO best 2x123ish size light 149 Lumens on my gear

I am not "brand loyal" ..I use what works and tests best.Hell I admit..untill1 year ago I laughed at most asian made lights.Now I prefer them.
I sold or gave away 20+ lights in the last few months.Including all my Surefires and my WWII looking Edc 60.

Keep in mind I am not hung up on SUPER low light levels.I have no use or need for .00003 lumens.Then again..I drive a 641 H.P. car..on the street :naughty:

See post #5

my 2 cents
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Amilite T5..IMO best small light ever 116 Lumens on my gear
Wolfeyes 6a/cree ..IMO best 2x123ish size light 149 Lumens on my gear

Which cree drop-in are you using ?
Wolf eyes, Litemania, Lighthoung, Calvinmo ?
Can you pease take a beamshot picture of both flashlight side by side ?

1) Between these two flashlights, wich offers the better overall output ?
I suppose the Cree drop-in (149 vs 116 lumens).
2) Do you use the Cree drop-in with 3,7V Li-ion cell ?
I want to know about the dropin regulation @3,7V and @6V : full regulated or semi-regulated ?

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I appreciate the recommendations, but could you give links to the tests you've done so that we can see for ourselves how you applied the criteria you used and what the numbers are on all your flashlights tested. Thanks.
Well I have now tested about all the normal production cree lights now.Both in my light box ( similar to quickbeam) and on walks and such at night.I even compare them back to back.I have done over a dozen now and here is my conclusions.

My personal rank is based on :
Overall build quality
Ease of use
Run time

All are decent for sure. 2 of them really shine ( pun):
These are both the best bang-for-the-buck and usefull IMO.

Amilite T5..IMO best small light ever 116 Lumens on my gear
Wolfeyes 6a/cree ..IMO best 2x123ish size light 149 Lumens on my gear

I am not "brand loyal" ..I use what works and tests best.Hell I admit..untill1 year ago I laughed at most asian made lights.Now I prefer them.
I sold or gave away 20+ lights in the last few months.Including all my Surefires and my WWII looking Edc 60.

Keep in mind I am not hung up on SUPER low light levels.I have no use or need for .00003 lumens.Then again..I drive a 641 H.P. car..on the street :naughty:

my 2 cents

I drive a 850 H.P. car... But often take my bicycle !!!


I'd like to see all of the data that you have collected. I usually find data more useful for making my own light decesions than just opinions.
Sounds like you did a fair ammount of work (an so has your wallet). Thanks for taking the time to do this!
To be honest it is hard to post here. So many are "hung up" on a brand and are "die-hard" fans.They get mad if a light they own and love tests bad.

If u ask here what is best based on certain critera..u get 50 diff. answers.
99% of people here just blurt out answers with no basis. I mean how can u answer what is best if u do not OWN THEM ALL?..Some of us do. **Don't ask the guy with 1 light whats best..ask the guy with 200.

**Often people quote lumens of so and so light from a test they see.Many light START OUT bright but dim fast. I.E. Tigerlight..sure its bright for 5 mins..then it dims FAST like a 6P and countless others.I prefer lights that stay bright.Thats the main reason the A2 was 1/2 decent in its day.

I.E. "what is the best cree out right now"

Joe Schmo from cocamo : Umm the D-mini..because thats all I have..so it is the best.

U see?

I can only state facts I see and test.Here at my shop I have : lathe, water jet, c&c and more.I work on and make metal stuff all day..most custom.
I know about metal blends and machine quality.

I shoot from the hip and pull no punches.I will not say brand X light is great because it says "surefire" or whatever.

I was asked how do I decide these things I post about.

Well, after testing say 20 lights on the same day in my "box" I drag them all to my local park at night.2-4 of us walk nightly.We "battle" all the lights VS each other and discuss in depth : quality/feel/fit/finish/runtime ect ect.Then talk about about Pam Anderson..UFOs followed by just how tastey bacon is.

I spend many 1000's of $$ on lights because I can.( Also cars,stereo various gadgets) I like to "weed out" the crap so people here don't waste hard earned cash on junk.

As I normally post "IMO" this is just my personal thoughts on things.I am not politocaly correct or here to win votes.

I can speak out on a forum and say " Yes 100% for sure my T5 is better then a 1$ light from the dollar store"..I got the grapefruits

In general on forums people are so scared to offend and will not speak what they think.

I get asked : You seem to have many lights and test them.Why not make a site, take beamies and write reviews. Honestly I just dont have the time. I know how much work all that takes + we have others that do it.

All that said :
After testing 100+ lights for weeks at a time:

T5 is still my small light champ
Wolf Eyes 6/cree still my fav 2x123ish size light
W.E. 13v my fav foot longer
PL 24 my fav HID thats not so big its goofey to carry

Based on personal criteria that seems important.

"I appreciate the recommendations, but could you give links to the tests you've done so that we can see for ourselves how you applied the criteria you used and what the numbers are on all your flashlights tested. Thanks."

To save time : Any light that is cheezy, flimzy,dims fast,bad switch, or overpriced...I WILL say so.And put in the "not worth it catagory"

I wrote about the ASP TRIAD 3x cree they other day..Quite nice overall..BUT it lists for 160 or so..reason I dont like it.Even at 120 its not worth it ( IMO) you can just do better for less cash.

Lastly : I have now Deoxit ( and progold) EVERY light I own..every single one got more total output in my light box. A few gained 25% or more. For those of yall that dont have Deoxit..its worth every penny. Also do all your home audio/video goodies..works just as dramatic on that.
Enough ranting

My 2 cents
As for the D-mini...Its a decent light overall..price is ok . For me its just to much throw and not usefull 99% of the time.Many lights are better for the cash it costs IMO .Also the head is 2 big and goofey for a small light.I cant see it as an "EDC"..same reason I don't like the WolfEyes 6M..."It looks like a babies arm..holding an apple" ---Austin powers fasher

See post #5
I drive a 90HP car, And enjoy my lower levels of light.
Ever try using 100+ Lumens to get out of a movie theater during a movie? You wont make many friends. Besides performance, you have to figure in warranty and how easy it would be to fulfill.

And the A2 is out of date now? :huh2:
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Fastcar, Thanks so much for sharing your expertise. I'm sure gonna get Deoxit, and maybe Progold.

Flashlight choices are so personal that it's only by assimilating many people's opinions that I can figure out what will work best for me because I can't afford to buy flashlights I don't need. Many thanks to those of you who share your knowledge and expertise.

The Amilite is no doubt the best in it's class, but I bought a Rexlight for $30 hoping/gambling that it will be somewhat similar to the Amilite.

For me, the P1D-CE is the best overall light at a reasonable price because I like the twisty and it's small enough for me to carry in my pockets and it has throw and flood and I like bright light, so I use it all the time.
Here's a link to the Wolf Eyes Sniper Tactical Flashlighthttp://www.pts-flashlights.com/products/product.aspx?pid=1-3-6-6015

The very reasonable price of $70 includes a LRB-168A rechargeable LiIon battery and a charger. Shipping is only $4.05 for Priority mail. But you do have to pay another $40 for the 130 lumen Cree. Total = $114.

Not bad for a light that an expert considers to be one of the best you can buy.
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**Often people quote lumens of so and so light from a test they see.Many light START OUT bright but dim fast. I.E. Tigerlight..sure its bright for 5 mins..then it dims FAST like a 6P and countless others.I prefer lights that stay bright.

I agree 100%. Constant current regulation with LED's or very flat discharge curve with incandescent is VERY VERY IMPORTANT point to me.

It's why I want (ideally) a powerful Cree or Seoul drop-in with flat regulation when use with a single Li-ion cell (18650/17670).
With CPF discount that 6sniper is like $55 I think.The 6a incan. is still my fav 2x123 NON led light .

For any W.E. products call up Mike at PTS...ask him for the "CPF" discount. As a fellow small buisness owner I must say Mike ( Pts) is a great guy..does folks right and has a sweet setup start to end.Hats off to that guy!
Mike is a GREAT guy and will set ya right up on the spot for 15% or more discounts. Just call him and say " gimmi the CPF discount" :)

For any noobs u can get them here:

"I drive a 90HP car, And enjoy my lower levels of light.
Ever try using 100+ Lumens to get out of a movie theater during a movie? You wont make many friends. Besides performance, you have to figure in warranty and how easy it would be to fulfill."
Actually saw "300" few days ago and posted about how I used 2 100+ lumen lights to get in and out..and made quite a few "friends" Read that post =P

I agree about warranty ..but I never had any issues ever with a decent light.
As far as W.E goes they are faster then surefire for any problems not to mention Mike at PTS will do you right. 100's can attest to that for sure.

Warranty is part of how I judge a light.Not the tops though. Should I break say a Wolf Eyes clickey..I can spring for the 4 bucks for a new one.

See post #5
i don't have 200 lights. i have 17 at the moment. some i don't need and never use. lights are as said before a personal thing. i happen to like surefire lights and will purchase more of them. there are plenty of lights out there that are cheaper, run longer, brighter and i have a couple. i still like the surefire models. my E2E, E2O, E1E, Z2, GZ2 and of course, my farorite A2. are all tops in my book and i am proud to own them.
Please give us a list!
'normal production lights' is that based on total sales worldwide?

Anyways, in a few months there will be a light to beat ALL lights, and then in a few months more, another light to beat ALL lights. A guarantee in technology.
~Multi core LED?

I guess everyone has a different definition of the ideal light, if its an EDC or whatever.
I am looking forward to the new CREE L5. I have an L6 I like, but It looks like Surfire doesn't make it for 2007. FASTCAR has probably already tested the new CREE L5.