Keep it in your pocket with a hand full of 16 penny nails for a day.That will get you over the fact that sooner or later it WILL get scratched.This way you don't have to fret over it and you can use it like it was designed for.
I thought maybe he wanted to protect everything else from the Ra!
Those 16 penny nails don't stand a chance. :devil:
That's not nice , the RA beating up that poor little D10. :shakehead
I hate hearing stories of flashlight violence like this. I suggest anger mngmt. classes for your RA . Or hold the RA down and let the D10 get in a few licks. Stand up for your Nitecores man!!!
When I got my first D10, I carried it for about a week to put the light through it's paces. I carried the light clipped in my front pocket, with my Twisty riding in the bottom of the same pocket clipless. Well, one day I picked up my D10 and happened to notice it was scratched up pretty bad, I then realized that the Twisty had done all the damage That light is hardcore, I'd be more worried about what it will damage, rather than it getting damaged itself I am now always aware of what else goes into any pocket with a Ra in it as well....