If it were your money.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 4, 2009
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Ok, my wife doesn't mind my 'hobby', so long as it doesn't get out of hand, and according to her it has. She thinks 15 lights is enough.

So we've come to an arrangement, one and only one more light this year with a budget of up to and no more than US$400 all up, batteries included.

I want 1000ish lumens for no less than 2 hours.

I have been looking at Wayne's Blaster NG, modified to a triple XP-G with 5.5 degree optics for $250 + another hundred or so for batteries and charger. Wayne says it'll get close to 4 hours of about 1000 lumens.

Also on the board is the new Olight SR91. It's got both the output and runtime. Batteries and charger included.

Remember, this is my last purchase until next year (at least) so I want to get it right.

Thanks fellow CPFers!!
If your wife doesn't approve of and wants to take control of your flashlight hobby, frankly I'd just hide it from her and continue buying unabated. Best that she not worry about something that causes her such anxiety.
If your wife doesn't approve of and wants to take control of your flashlight hobby, frankly I'd just hide it from her and continue buying unabated. Best that she not worry about something that causes her such anxiety.
I really hope you're joking, but it's hard to tell with some of you guys.
While StarHalo may be joking, I'm sure there are plenty of guys here who would be totally serious if they had said the same thing... :hitit:
The OP is doing the right thing with his wife regarding his hobby, however I have never spent 400$ one one single torch and I only have 20 ish all costing between 30 to 200. One day I will tell my fiancee how much each light costs and work out a monthly budget so I can get more expensive lights without having to worry about her finding out.

Sorry I cant think of anything off the top of my head right now
When my wife buys shoes or a handbag or something else she doesn't need, I get to buy something (of similar value) that I don't need.

I don't get to buy as many lights as I'd like, but it keeps her from whimsically buying shoes and bags like she used to.

I figure I come out ahead in this arrangement.

When my wife buys shoes or a handbag or something else she doesn't need, I get to buy something (of similar value) that I don't need.
The other option is to simply put together a budget that gives you each some discretionary spending money every month.
I'd it was my money I'd say screw the retail route and go total custom.

If you can get just what you want then only 1 more this year won't leave you hungry.
while i wouldn't recommend hiding lights, or lying, (it will come out sooner or later), sightly mislead about the price wont hurt.
i recommend sr90, or 91
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The other option is to simply put together a budget that gives you each some discretionary spending money every month.

We have that arrangement in place at $100 (Sgt. LED is getting this months allowance). Problem is, she's just so sick of seeing my lights everywhere and thinks I have a problem.

There's 5 months left in this year so I just said, "Well I'll just get one more and use up the rest of this year." She said "Fine, but that's it." I rolled my eyes and walked away like a little boy who'd just avoided getting spanked.
We have that arrangement in place at $100 (Sgt. LED is getting this months allowance). Problem is, she's just so sick of seeing my lights everywhere and thinks I have a problem.

There's 5 months left in this year so I just said, "Well I'll just get one more and use up the rest of this year." She said "Fine, but that's it." I rolled my eyes and walked away like a little boy who'd just avoided getting spanked.
You have to coach your wife as to the features and benefits of all the lights you currently have. I bore my wife to death about this and that and you know what, after a while she becomes so bored that she either tunes out or walks out of the room!!:naughty:

Everytime I then talk about getting another light, she automatically tunes out and misses the whole conversation regarding the cost etc.

This now works everytime - all I have to do is promise to sell an unwanted light everytime I buy a new one!!! So, I sell a Fenix and buy a Malkoff or I sell a Nitecore and buy a Surefire!!:devil:

It is a great arrangement, although the total number of lights in my collection is not increasing, the quality of my collection sure is on the rise.:thumbsup:

We have that arrangement in place at $100 (Sgt. LED is getting this months allowance). Problem is, she's just so sick of seeing my lights everywhere and thinks I have a problem.

There's 5 months left in this year so I just said, "Well I'll just get one more and use up the rest of this year." She said "Fine, but that's it." I rolled my eyes and walked away like a little boy who'd just avoided getting spanked.

Tell her she's right, flashlights aren't a good hobby and you've decided to start collecting guns (and/or knives) instead. Or start shopping around and talking about buying an expensive, 400 horsepower performance car (I guess that'd be a Holden in Australia?). There are MANY hobbies out there that cost a lot more than flashlights, assuming you don't get really insane with buying $1000 custom lights all the time.

And put me down as a member of the "Glad I'm Not Married" camp.
Tell her she only gets to buy one more pair of shoes for the entire year. :nana:
Instead of blowing it all in one blast, I'd spend it on a few cheaper lights or even save some of the cash for next year's flashlight budget. If you're happy with your collection as-is, just save your money for the next go-round.