If the LED was never invented?
Think of CPF as a bulletin board type thing with dial up modems and pure test (no LED no fiber baby!) One to ponder
OK, Surefire would have regulated hotwires with soft-start curcuits and STILL not run rechargeable AA batteries. I would run a Surefire with regulated hotwire with Nanomiser 6AA body or two lithium-ion cells. I would own two of them so I could go bike riding with them.
EDC would be a ?? 2AA regulated hot wire and a single AAA on the keychain. And that would be that...no HIDs just wires and regulators.

My first interest in anything to do with light was when I heard about something completely crazy...a LED that required a heat sink back in 2001. Then I took note of those white 5mm LEDs and picked one up. 2002 rolled in and I blew a bulb when mountain biking in Korea and almost ate frozen rice patty. Hmmmm, maybe a white LED backup light. Jumped across the pond, ran into the LED Museum and Craig...jumped onto a little friendly place on the web that talked about screaming 20 -25 lumen output Luxeon LEDs and I read. Dat2zip offered the BB500 Luxeon 2AA minimag drop-ins and my helmet light was born! Woohoo! 25 fat lumens on 2AA...
Ran into cy back in 2004 on a cross state bike ride, he figured I was CPF because of the LED minimag BB400 R2H on my helmet. Millermods L1P with U bin LuxIII and then the Cree revolution in 2007.
6.5 years later a 180 lumen L2D Q5 sits on my helmet and I'm still riding around in the dark.
LEDs are what hooked me into blowing all my money for the last 6.5 years... hotwires would of been much cheaper in the long run. But what fun would that be?