Before ordering the DEFT or any light which uses aspheric lenses, ask yourself if you need a bright flashlight that thows far or a flashlight that throws a laser-like beam with no flood and small spot.
An aspheric lens flashlight is useless in most cases, it can only be used in long range. If what you want is to show off, then get an aspheric light, but if you want a practical and useful long throwing flashlight, get the A10, DBS or the Spear.
I just have to say a few things here and this is not all directed to you Richard. There are a lot of people here who do not really understand the benefits of aspheric lights. They are
very useful for spotlighting and no reflector based light can compete in that arena. People complain that they do not have any spill. There are a couple of things wrong with this argument. If the light's raison d'etre is to throw, the spill(light not collimated by the reflector) is of no benefit at distance. Whats more the spill light that shines down at your feet and in close proximity reduces your ability to see the object at a distance because your pupils constrict from that light at your feet. Take a look at this picture of a Tiablo A9.
Notice that the spill is of no benefit when you use the light for what it was intended. There is that dead zone just outside of the hotspot.
All aspherics are not created equal. The DEFT has an optional diffused aspheric lens that broadens and smooths the beam while throwing considerably more light down stream than the A9, DBS or any of the others. Here is a picture of it taken at the same time as the one above with the same settings.
See how much more light is getting down there? Which one is the laser now? Of course it is also good to be able to see where you are walking.
The DEFT provides enough "spill" directly in front of you to allow you to see where you are going. This has to do with internal reflections in the light.
The DEFT also has easily changeable pills so you can swap in new LEDs as they are released. I have also found a way to use the MC-E LEDs with the smooth DEFT lens and now have the farthest throwing MC-E light. Just wait till I get my hands on some of those Phlatlight LEDs.
I could go on with the many uses for aspheric lights but it is true that they have a specialized function. They are
not however just toys. We could use the same reasoning that because the Photon Freedom Micro can't light up a scene at 100 meters
it is a toy.
Again Richard this was not intended to be directed all at you I just happened to pick your post to quote due to the fact that you made it sound like the only use it has is to show off. There have been several people lately who just don't get it and it has been driving me up the wall. Consider this somewhat of a rant and somewhat educating CPF.
You are correct though that he needs to figure out exactly what his needs are before settling on a light.