If you were only able to own 1 light for life.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 29, 2008
1 light for the rest of your life,

never allowed to modd or change it in any way. repair yes, but not modd or change for another. if you lose it it gets replaced, same exact light.

you can build / assemble this light from any parts from any manufacturer available today. (parts must fit without modding)

what would you build and own?

just list the parts/light, no need for a 3 paragraph explanation about why ;)
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Why do we have threads like this? :thinking:

Having fun with hypothetical scenarios? Theres alot of other things can could have been done in the time it took to put this thread up. :shrug:

This thread will eventually turn out to be like one of those "If your stranded on an island..." thread that yielded a million recommendations with very few quantitative statistical value and went off on tangents every other page...
Also, while all hypothetical scenarios have a non-zero probability that it may actually be exercised in real life I really don't know why this is in "LED flashlights" and not "the cafe", unless your making the assumption that whichever light a member picks must be LED :thinking:
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