Inova X1 vs. Streamlight 2L


Newly Enlightened
Feb 14, 2007
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
As if it's not obvious, I'm new here. I just bought a Surefire A2, my first "real" flashlight, and figured I'd ask for recommendations on my second, smaller purchase.

I'd like to buy a pair of smaller lights for my wife and I, something I can use for the car or general household use. I want to be able to light up house numbers from the car when I'm lost in some dark neighbourhood.

I realize there's a big difference in price between the two of these (I could buy four X1s for the price of two 2Ls, or thereabouts) but I was wondering if anyone would like to help me with a recommendation.


Welcome to CPF!

The X1 really isn't up to the task of lighting up house numbers from the street. It is more of a walking in the woods at night, or around the house, close range type of light.

If you are looking for a single AA cell style the Fenix L1"x" lights might be an option for you. I have a couple of the L1P models and believe they could do the job. I have a P1D-CE on the way, that should be plenty bright but is a bit costly.

Here is a link to one place to buy them:

Here is a link to a site that can help you make a decision:

I'm sure many more suggestions are coming your way!
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I have a Streamlight 2L in each car and find it to be a great light for general needs. The incan beam is not a thrower like the A2 but does a great job at general lighting. I think the 2Ls make great car lights.

The X1 would work great as an in the car type light but once you get outside it is strictly very very close mild illum.

X1 version3 is coming out soon (maybe this month).

waiting for the reviews...
You are talking two hugely different lights there, runtime vs lumens. It would depend upon what you needed, a light that is brighter with less runtime, or a small tank with less lumens but with long runtime.

The X1 is my current everyday pocket carry, I rely upon constantly. But I do often augment it when I will need more light/throw with something like the X5, X0 (old version), or Fenix P1.
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Wow, that was fast, thanks alot for the advice! Lee, you're right of course, I was trying to save myself some money, knowing that "you get what you pay for". I want something that can light up house numbers from around 60', has two AA batteries and costs around $30.00. It would not need a long runtime. Maybe I'm not being realistic?

I'll most likely buy from this source:

unless there are any sponsors of this forum who can offer me a similar price. I'm not sure if there is a sponsor page but I would gladly support a sponsor.

I do not really edc my X1 except when it is needed in the workshop where I want to work on my truck at night. It doesn't throw but its got a very even flood which is good for the type of work I use it for. I think its pushing around 10-12 lumens but in flood so with one AA there is alot of runtime as well. I would say the light is whitish compared to a surefire and a good lite to have for general lighting. I can't really comment on the streamlite as I haven't got one.

All the best in your search and welcome to CPF!

P.S. Surf to the B/S/T section (Buy/Sell/Trade) section, There's alot on your wallet as well:)
Key, sounds like you are describing the 2 and 3 AA Minimags MagLEDs. They are definitly worth a look in that price range, they would be my first choice in the specs you quoted.
Welcome, I have both, The X1 is good for close up work, the 2L is ok,the
best value for money would be the M@GLed 2AA and its focusable
You guys (do girls use flashlights?) are really screwing me up. I thought I'd made up my mind. I'm surprised to find the recommendations for the MagLED. I really wasn't impressed with the standard Mags I had, they were not very bright and focused very badly. Sounds like some of you are saying the Mag LEDs are quite a bit better. Maybe I'll hold off on purchasing for now and look around a bit more.

Thanks again for all the great information. Maybe one of these days I'll be able to return the favour.

Don't stop at 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
The new Mag LEDs are considerably brighter than the old incandecent Minimag, and they run for a much longer time. They are a very decent bang for the buck light. I bought and gave one to both my father and father in law, they love them, well my father and law got mine when he left for Vegas on a road trip. Now I have to replace mine.

Take a look through this website, they have excellant reviews, and are a wealth of information.
The QIIIs are nice lights. Probably one of the most popular lights in the history of CPF. But they aren't really throwy. Definately wouldn't be my first choice for lighting up addresses.

I still think about the best smaller light for intermittant use with decent throw is going to be the Mag LEDs. Literally twice the throw of the QIII.

Actually, for something that is likely to be left in the car for the most part, a 2D or 3D Mag would be the way to go for my money. I've owned an awful lot of lights and my ideal car light is a modified 2C Mag with a really bright LED and a controller that allows different levels of output. Of course, it cost about 4X what 2D Mag LED costs. The throw will get you as far out there as you're likely to ever need and you'll get outstanding runtime.
I use a Streamlight Scorpion in my car. Very good throw, clickie tailcap (which I prefer). Another, cheaper, alternative is the Surefire G2, which costs less and doesn't have a clickie tailcap, but has fewer artifacts in its beam. Both are excellent for use in the car or for general use. And you can certainly light up house numbers or street signs with either one.