Interesting Device!!! What the heck is it?!?!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 24, 2002
New Jersey
My next door neighbor was out hunting and found this thing in a field. Both of us agree it may be some sort of aiming device for a mortar or a cannon or something. Anybody have any good guesses? Honestly we are kindof clueless.

It is made of brass and is very heavy for its size. The top of the device looks like it had some sort of a level or something in it. That piece also pivots in order to line up with markings on the "chimney" part.

What do you guys think it is?








Weird right? :thinking:

Looks like an elevation aiming device for a small cannon. You probably dial in the range with a screw in the chimney piece then center the bubble in the level, with the v-channel in the device's bottom mounted parallel to the cannon's bore.
it is most definatly for a canon. even if that was not its intended purpose, i know that you could use it for aiming a canon, none the less.
It's a butt leveler. The second "T" got left off due to lack of space. It's for use with chairs and stools whose legs aren't even, or with normal chairs on uneven surfaces. Can also be used with normal chairs that sit on level surfaces inside drinking establishments. Patrons occasionally take on too much ballast on one side or the other and begin to lean, this device helps to correct such a lean. Table levelers are similar, but they say "TAB" on them.

Hell if I know, cannon aiming device sounds more impressive. Now you need to build a cannon to go with it.

It's a butt leveler. The second "T" got left off due to lack of space. It's for use with chairs and stools whose legs aren't even, or with normal chairs on uneven surfaces. Can also be used with normal chairs that sit on level surfaces inside drinking establishments. Patrons occasionally take on too much ballast on one side or the other and begin to lean, this device helps to correct such a lean. Table levelers are similar, but they say "TAB" on them.

Hell if I know, cannon aiming device sounds more impressive. Now you need to build a cannon to go with it.

+1 on the butt leveler, you beat me to it! :naughty:
Ebay time! $130!!! for a piece of brass that does the same job as a 99 cent level. you people are crazy. or im crazy. or both. no sleep for past 2 nights, and a few cases of monster, i think its me.:tired:

Yup, I think you got it!!! Wow. That's the exact model and everything. My piece just looks like its missing a few small parts.

Thanks for the help everyone, both comedically and otherwise!!lovecpf


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