This is surprising to me! :thinking:
I recieved my RRT-3 and it is very impressive to say the least. I am sure it is not as bright as the SR-90 But I really did not expect it to be.
I also have the RRT-1 and RRT-2 and all are great lights at a very good price. :thumbsup:
I feel that the hot sopt on the RRT-1 is not as usable as the RRT-3 just too small to light anything up at any distance. It is a great light for a certain purpose. But I feel that the RRT-3 is a better all around more usable light.
(not based on size as the RRT-3 is a little big to be EDCing.)
I work on a private golf course and there is plenty of darkness as well as pre measured distances to try out lights. When I recieved the RRT-3 I naturally brought it to the club for a
"test run". I was amazed at the throw and the size of the hot spot at thoes distances. It was amazing - although I am sure it is not as amazing as the SR-90 but I have never seen the SR-90 in action. I am easily capable of lighting up the green from the tee box on a 420 yard par four. That is 1260 feet and that is impressive at least to me!
I do have one question as to the level settings. When the selector ring is turned all the way left to the last setting is that the
"stand by mode"? The reason I ask is when I turn one the light and dial it down to that setting the light goes off and then brightens a little bit and turns off. Is this the light "getting rid of leftover power"? Is that really the stand by mode or is my light not functioning properly?
This light is called the RRT-3 and not the SR-90 and the two really should not be compared to each other. There are way too many differences between the two lights and it is not a fair comparison IMHO.
These are my opinions and I realize that to each his own. I for one am impressed and feel the wait was WELL worth it. JB is an outstanding job and should be commended! :twothumbs They have cranked out several new lights in a fairly short time and the products are superior to many others at similar pricing.