Is my surefire normal?


Newly Enlightened
May 22, 2010
Hey there CPF members. I've been a lurker far to long so i finaly registered. first i want to say this is a great forum with best people i've seen in a forum. nuff said. anyway i have a question about my Surefire e2dl. It is the newest model that surefire offers and i need to know if it's defective or just quarks of the light. it has 3 issues, 1st when on high and set down tail first it blinks out for a millisec. 2nd, When on low and bumped it will go to high mode. 3rd and final... it seems that the distance from momentary on to lock on is really long. i have to press it almost until it bottoms out to lock on. oh by the way. I LOVE THIS LIGHT!!!
For questions 1 & 2, it sounds like to me that the contact is broken when you bump the tail end of the light. It's not uncommon, the recoil of a firearm would also do the same thing, temporarily breaking contact, thus going to high if it was on low, and going to low if it was on high, just like changing modes with the tailcap. I'm guessing single cell lights will also exhibit this behavior, SF don't use a floating battery system.
How old is the light, and has it always had long travel for the click switch to engage, or has it started to happen recently?

EDIT What you can do to lessen the sensitivity from jumping modes when you bump the tail end is to stretch the spring a little. It will probably still happen, just maybe not everytime you set it down.
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Thanx guys, The light is about a month old with no abuse or drops. It was a gift along with an O-light m30 for my b-day. My wife is the best!! The switch has been the same since day one, long to lock. I did'nt want to disassemble untill i got some feed back from cpfer's. if it was normal no need to tear it down and risk it. Now that I know it is not normal operation I'll call Surefire and see what they will do. One other thing i noticed is the led is slightly off center in the TIR lens so I do not get a perfectly round hot spot. It is only noticable at close range so i wasn't going to worry about it but if it to is not normal I may ask Surefire to warranty the complete light. while I'm at it what other modle should i order???:broke:
my first E2DL behaved the same way.
Not out of the box though, i did drop it a few times.:whistle:

I sent it to SF and got a replacement very quickly.