Is there anything comparable to a Sebenza


Jul 20, 2006
Charlotte, NC
but less expensive? I like the sebbie design and lust after one but right now the budget isn't going to permit one - is there anything that has a similar sort of design - frame lock, general shape, drop point, thumb studs?

Sort of a silly question I suppose, but...
Bradley Alias or Alias II
Alias = Sebenza
Alias II = Small Sebenza

They are made by Benchmade (in US) for Bradley Cutlery and very very similar to Sebenzas (I have both, I edc Alias II) S30V, titanium framelock (VERY solid).

"Almost" a Sebenza copy.

Says low $200s for Alias II on their website. I might have paid ~$150 for my #143 "first production run" (whatever....)
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+1 on the Bradley Alias

I EDC'd an Alias II which I decided to pick up because of the YouTube review I saw of it being compared to the small Sebenza. Very nice knife. I've since picked up a small Classic Sebenza and sold off my Alias II because I couldn't see any point holding onto two knives. Now having owned both, I can honestly say that the Sebenza is a better product overall. Don't get me wrong, I was very pleased with the Alias and had I never purchased the Sebenza I would have not had any inclination to be dissatisfied. There'll be some Sebenza purists out there who will tell you that only a Sebenza is a Sebenza and that anything else is a direct copy. I definitely see what they're saying but you've also got to do what's best for you and what's within your budget. I highly recommend either knife and if you can afford to wait until you've saved enough, I'd treat myself to the Seb.
It's like the old comparison of Sebenza vs Strider. A Sebenza is a Sebenza and nothing else is. There are ALOT of good knives out there. What ever choice you make will be good. You may want to look at the new Umnumzaan, real nice design.
Benchmade mini-Skirmish with an S30V blade and titanium handles is a frame lock style and IMO a very good and much less expensive replacement for the Sebenza. I like the blade shape better than the Sebbie and the ones I have had were wicked sharp.
I've read that the Bradley Alias is the poor mans sebbie.

Save your money, buy an XM-18 and be done. Strider toughness, sebbie smoothness! :thumbsup:
If you can find one.... Benchmade Pinnacle.

Discontinued years ago, tough to find, but surprisingly not selling at a huge mark-up when found.

At one point, I had three. Excellent design that died quickly due to lack of popularity.
Spyderco Sage Ti is probably the best bet for less money. But if you can find a good deal on a used one, I would just save up a bit more and get the Sebenza.
But if you can find a good deal on a used one, I would just save up a bit more and get the Sebenza.

There are a lot of Sebenzas out there at this point, and you're bound to find a good deal on one. I went to my local cutlery shop a year or so ago to get some kitchen knives sharpened. The owner had recently purchased a knife collection from another customer, and was asking $250 a piece for a large and a small Sebenza, both essentially new without papers. I walked out with the small for under $200.
Thanks for all the replies and insights!

I understand the sliding scale of getting what you pay for, so to speak. I used fairly inexpensive knives for some time, a used Kershaw Scallion being roughly the top of my scale. When I purchased a Spyderco Native I thought - whoa - this is a fairly significant upgrade in terms of overall fit, finish and feel. Then I picked up a Spyderco CalyIII and while the Native remains a favorite weekend and task knife, the difference in overall fit and finish between it and the Caly III is noticeable. Again, the Native remains a favorite knife but the Caly III is just a better overall product. I can see similar issues between a good knife (Bradley) and a great knife (sebenza).

Having looked at the alternatives, well, I have to admit that while not exactly a Sebenza the titanium Spyderco Sage is a pretty sweet looking knife - and given the somewhat in between a CalyIII and Native blade profile (both of which I obviously like) it is a compelling alternative.

still - I'm thinking perhaps holding out is a wise option as well and getting what I really want!
NO, there is no such a thing as a replacement for a Sebenza.
just hold out and get what you want! if you don't you'll just waste a lot of money, and you will always wonder if what you have is really as good as the real thing. it will tease you everyday :D

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