Is this light really a SureFire 6R?


Feb 9, 2009
Orlando, FL, USA
I wasn't sure which forum this thread belonged in. If this thread isn't appropriate for this forum, could a mod please move it to the proper place?

Today a SureFire 6R (6P with B65 rechargeable kit) that I purchased (used) online was delivered. Unfortunately, I'm not confident all of the individual parts are actually SureFire. Sorry I don't have any pictures; I don't have a camera. Hopefully I can offer sufficient descriptions for the SF experts.

In particular, the head appears questionable. It has no markings, aside from the band of knurling (straight lines running parallel with the light beam, 1/2 inch wide, 1/16 inch from end of head). The anodization is slightly off compared to the barrel, with a very subtle purple tint. The color does appear to match the tail cap. The lens appears to be glued in from the outside. While I don't see signs of glue, there is no six slotted ring (like my 6PL and M2 have) holding it in. Overall, the head has a very lightweight feel to it, lacking any significant heft.

The knurling of the barrel matches the knurling of the tail cap, but is a bit rougher, appearing slightly less well done. (The B65 barrel extension has the neater knurling like the tail cap. In length, the barrel is about 1/8 inch shorter than my (new) 6PL's barrel, with heads and tail caps removed. The new 6PL also has a silvery bare aluminum appearance inside the tube, while the 6R has a yellowish-silver tint internally. Of the two O-ring slots at the head, the rear slot on the 6R is narrower than the 6PL's, and contains a smaller O-ring.

The tail cap of the 6R has a slightly larger diameter button (by about 1/8 inch) compared to the 6PL and M2. It has the following printed around the button: "LASER PRODUCTS FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CA SURE•FIRE 6R".

The lamp assembly reads "6V Lamp • Laser Products • R60" on its shiny green label/decal. In ink, "MB-2" is stamped on the aluminum above the green label.

I'm probably just being paranoid, but with all the SF 6P clones/p60 hosts available, I want to verify that I didn't simply receive a SF twisty tail cap and lamp assembly with a cloned head and/or barrel. Does anyone have good pictures of an older (known) SureFire 6R or 6P with which I could compare my light?


Yes, that sounds like a genuine SF 6R. I removed the extension tube on mine so I'm just using it with two R123's and an R2 drop-in.

The window isn't glued in place, it's push-in/press-fit. Mine is lop-sided though. :shakehead





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The one I received looks just like yours. Thanks for posting the pics. I didn't have anything for a suitable comparison, except my two newer SureFires. The price I paid was pretty good for a real SureFire, but not so good for a clone.

I've got a couple R2 drop-ins ordered, one for the 6R, and one for either the 6PL or the M2. The 6PL and 6R seem better suited for mounting on my mountain bike than the M2 (thus far).

Now if only I could find a flashlight mounting bracket that I'm happy with … :sigh:

Thanks again for posting the pics. :)

Check out the Twofish Cyclopblock mount at

Thanks for the suggestion. I have checked out the lock blocks. While I like the simplicity of Twofish's design, my mounting points (on my mountain bike) require the ability to make adjustments in the horizontal plane, something those particular mounts do not allow. They should work fine on my road bike, though.

So far the best mounts I've found are $1.99 cheapies (DX SKU 792), on which I replace the plastic hardware with more durable metal hardware. They allow sufficient adjustment. Unfortunately, they don't hold their adjustment very well.

Fenix managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory with their mounts. While bulkier than I would prefer, they used much more durable materials than similar, cheaper mounts. Their fatal flaw is having discrete 15 degree adjustments on the horizontal plane, and then with a few degrees of play, rendering them nearly useless for the task at hand, even on my road bike.

It looks like suitable mounts simply are not currently available to consumers. Nonetheless, I'll continue to look and remain hopeful.
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