Jetbeam C-LE washer mod


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 27, 2006
Did a little work on my Jet. Threads were a bit rough. Took the foam washer off,
split in half with razor blade. Used some Militec 1 on the threads for a few days.
Took light head apart and cleaned out excess Militec 1. Then lightly lubed threads with Nyogel 779ZC. Took half the foam and put it on top of the battery
after its in the tube, no adhesive. Then I put a spare battery washer on top of the foam, a washer from the bottom of a spent Surefire cell. Reassemble and
the light works very easily with one hand and no battery rattle. The stock foam
washer is a little thick. Just remember when swapping batteries the 2 washers
are in there so you don't lose em. It worked great for no cost. :)
Or you could just put the adhesive foam in the tailcap. :whistle: