Kip Kay's new YouTube Channel "Will it burn"


Feb 16, 2010
Orange County, CA
In case your not familiar with KipKay, he builds gadgets and other cool things on YouTube with tutorials on how to make them. He also (recently) has sold out to companies to advertise for them in his videos :thumbsdow

Now, he is making a new channel called "Will it burn". Seems interesting :popcorn: Check it out.

In the video, it shows him standing in a fire proof suite, holding what looks like a Maglite :sssh:. And he points the Maglite at the camera and flames shoot out. Is this applying that his new channel is about him burning things with a Mod'd Maglite? It would probably be some type of incandescent mod, most likely a 50w hotwire.

The description on the channel page: This is Kipkay's new, fiery hot channel! Can a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ really burn things? Subscribe now and stay tuned to find out! Flashlight fits into the blank nicely. Dunno what kind it was, though it would have to be modded if a maglite, because a stock mag is sure as hell not going to burn anything, except maybe your wallet with all the alkalines they waste.
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