L0D Question


Newly Enlightened
Nov 23, 2007
Redwood Valley, Ca
Does Fenix sell the tube and end cap to convert a P2D / L1D into a L0D? I see they sell the tube to convert it to a P1D but I would prefer to use a AAA instead of a CR123A. I thought I would ask here rather then bothering them since I already sent them an e-mail last week and haven't heard back.
There is a major diameter difference there, I'm not sure you have your models straight. There is some interchangeability between the LxD and PxD series, but the LOD is totally different. With the low energy density of AAA's, the only reason to use them is small size, which you wouldn't get with a LxD or PxD using them. Why not just get a LOD-CE to begin with?
I am getting the P2D / L1D "lego pack" for Christmas and thought if I could buy a $20 body to convert it to something that I could have on my keychain but still have the option that when I go camping I can stick a different tube in there and get better run time and or more power. I am in college and can't afford a second light but I have more of a need for the bigger light so that takes precedence over the smaller one. I can always go with a P1D body but was hoping to stick with standard AAA batteries instead of buying more expensive CR123As. Maybe I am hoping for too much.
The L1D body takes AA batteries, so that costs less than the cr123's. Quite frankly, I have never bought a cr123. When I got my P2D I bought a charger and a couple of rcr123's. The rechargeable ones don't cost much more than the primaries and you can use them hundreds of times. I paid about $20 for a charger and couple of rcr123's.
The P2D and L1D heads are the same, hence why you can use them in a lego setup. They are 0.8in in diameter. The LOD is 0.6in, and is totally different. If you want cheap, stick with rechargable AA's in the L1D setup, and use the P2D setup if you want reliable storage/backup light, or shear brightness.
I didn't realize there was that much of a difference in sizes between the 2 tube sizes.

Marduke - Thats basically what I have planned for the light. I was just trying to stretch the light to preform one more task. Guess I am trying to be too cheap and asking too much from the light. Thanks for the help.