L30 drop off the end of the world?


Newly Enlightened
Oct 23, 2008
Just wondering what happened to any news of the titanium innovations L30.
anyone ever take a beamshot?
I know they have a lot on their plate right now with the recent fire but I think it would be a really good move for Battery Junction to start doing short video clips of their products to highlight the features and performance. Something similar to what sirennet.com does for us in law enforcement.
I think because it is bit too expensive, and for some it looks odd. And one could get the L35 for less. :shrug:
I will be writing a review on the L30 sooner then later.
I am actually working on doing reviews for a bunch of lights, but have had some delays.

The reviews will include beamshots, lightbox readings, lux at 37.5 feet, run times, and startup times, etc.

There have been a few issues I have been trying to get cleared up regarding some of the lights so I can do even testing of all of them.
All of that will be explained in the reviews.

Take Care,
mtbkndad :wave:
Hi mebkndad,
Looking forward to your review. Will you have a Warrior III K3500 in this group? Looking for a format like the K3500 or L30. Holding off on the L30 based on one other review regarding donut hole.
