Latest Head done (Rev 3.0), just passed pressure test to 110M!! Whaooo so pleased, so have now sent it off for anodising.

Battery Cannister all Done, (thanks 350xfire)

Driver wired up and battery selected. (Blue Shark + R/C 5500mah 3 cell LiPo)
And i think ive finally settled on using 4 XPG's because i rather fancy the extra lumen available from them and i already have them laying around from other builds.
So for UK green water diving do you think i would be better ordering:
A) The 21mm aspheric lenses from DX - SKU 13903, which will most likely end up giving me a beam of around 10 to 11 deg using xpg's. (information based on Packhorse getting 8.3 deg using these with XRE's in his original quad mag).
B) LXP REAL SPOT (FA10661) which according to the data sheet HERE, should give me only 3 deg FWHM (So actually 6 deg) and make my final assembly much easier??
If anyone has a direct beam shot comparison of a single dx lens and a LXP-RS both using an XPG emitter, with the same background and settings i would be eternally grateful.
Ive been procrastinating over this for literally weeks, and i just cant make my mind up which option to go far. It's a primary light and needs to have reasonable penetration and signalling capability, but not necessarily be so tight it only lights up the bit immediately in front of you, beacuse it will do a few occasional trips abroad for clear water big wreck diving.
And not forgetting of course the 2 dives a year!! When the viz in the UK is excellent....

Battery Cannister all Done, (thanks 350xfire)

Driver wired up and battery selected. (Blue Shark + R/C 5500mah 3 cell LiPo)
And i think ive finally settled on using 4 XPG's because i rather fancy the extra lumen available from them and i already have them laying around from other builds.
So for UK green water diving do you think i would be better ordering:
A) The 21mm aspheric lenses from DX - SKU 13903, which will most likely end up giving me a beam of around 10 to 11 deg using xpg's. (information based on Packhorse getting 8.3 deg using these with XRE's in his original quad mag).
B) LXP REAL SPOT (FA10661) which according to the data sheet HERE, should give me only 3 deg FWHM (So actually 6 deg) and make my final assembly much easier??
If anyone has a direct beam shot comparison of a single dx lens and a LXP-RS both using an XPG emitter, with the same background and settings i would be eternally grateful.
Ive been procrastinating over this for literally weeks, and i just cant make my mind up which option to go far. It's a primary light and needs to have reasonable penetration and signalling capability, but not necessarily be so tight it only lights up the bit immediately in front of you, beacuse it will do a few occasional trips abroad for clear water big wreck diving.
And not forgetting of course the 2 dives a year!! When the viz in the UK is excellent....
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