I stumbled across a teardown report of a red LED stoplight here. It looks like an older unit as the recent ones I've seen use a denser array of LEDs on a printed circuit board.
Anyway, I was surprised to see how many of the LEDs are wired in series. It seems to me t hat an LED that fails open would take out a significant portion of the array in this configuration. While I've never seen an LED traffic light that had a major chunk burned out, it makes me wonder. This is a potential safety issue if a major chunk of the light goes out.
I'm hoping that modern units have their LEDs wired in parallel. Does anyone have specific knowledge of LED arrays used in modern traffic lights?
Anyway, I was surprised to see how many of the LEDs are wired in series. It seems to me t hat an LED that fails open would take out a significant portion of the array in this configuration. While I've never seen an LED traffic light that had a major chunk burned out, it makes me wonder. This is a potential safety issue if a major chunk of the light goes out.
I'm hoping that modern units have their LEDs wired in parallel. Does anyone have specific knowledge of LED arrays used in modern traffic lights?