Just something interesting I noticed the other day about LED tint and its use in the medical field. I know where's been talk about it causing problems when looking at red throats for pharyngitis, etc. The other day I was examining a child with Osteogenesis Imperfecta (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osteogenesis_Imperfecta). There is a key sign in this disease in which the sclera of the eye has a blue tint (http://akimichi.homeunix.net/~emile/aki/html/medical/Image/blue-sclera-1.jpeg). Doing my eye exam with my D10, as I usuallly do, I was unable to appreciate the blue tint due to the blue tint of the LED. It wasn't until I did the exam with the opthalomoscope (incan) that I was able to see the color. Anyway, random, but interesting story (I think!).