Lights that are outdated yet you still want for "nostalgic" purposes?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 12, 2004
Brooklyn NY
Yeah, it's old and not that amazing by today's standards, but I still want an Arc LS
Also an Arc 4, Arc AAA turquoise, CMG infinity ultra G, Surefire L4, MR Bulk Space Needle and original fire~fly, just to have. To me, it's like owning a vintage car. Sure it doesn't handle as well and isn't as fast as a modern car, but its just FUN
Yep , got an old tin wonder from the 1970's [ 3D ]

But I took an incan bulb and made it SSC I think .. So though the flashlight is still stock , the bulb is SSC ..

I run flat [ discharged ] D cells in it as the LED works fine on low current .
An incan bulb would barely be yellow with these batteries , but the LED bulb I made works fine .
A case could be made that these lights are not really outdated, but I would like an Arc AAA and one of the incan Surefire A2s. Also, I found myself wanting to buy another Lumapower LM33 the other day. Not all that bright by today's standards, but it was on sale at a very good price and I love the smooooth SSC P4 beam.
I have my 2002 vintage Minimag with a 2003 Q4L LuxeonI 416mA sandwich mod complete with extended bezel, longer reflector, AR glass window and Kroll tailswitch. Ever see a minimag cost over $100? Worth every penny and it sits on my computer desk with battle scars and memories when a 35 LED lumen 2AA light was considered bleeding edge and blindingly bright.

Wish I could find an N bin LuxI BB500 sandwich to bring it back to my original configuration back in Nov 2002 and the start of this madness.
I was around 14 when my brother gave me these in the early 80s. I was a flashahaulic 14 year old...

Fulton crimp neck, Circa late 60s, early 70s

Coleman halogen spotlight
circa 1984 (I think)



I was a toyota quality engineer+auditor in the late 90s. I toured a steel mill in Ohio and they were giving away minimags to all their customers.

I took my wife on our first date at the Winchester mystery house, flashlight tour, and they were giving these away.

I still have all these lights and they still all work. The Coleman spotlight is by far my brightest light and my farthest thrower.
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I have a Lightship Nightcutter M60L that does not work anymore, just can't get rid of it. It is not really old, only 5 years or so, but outdated by what is out now. It is a really cool light with different bezels, optics, reflectors that can be interchanged. Am thinking of sending it to Milky or one of the other modders and having it repaired and updated with a newer LED.
My oldest light is an old 2D MagLite that I bought back in the '80s. I also have a Tekna Lite 1 that I had bought back in the early '90s. Or was that the late '80s? I can't remember. More recently, my cousin cleared out his flashlight collection and gave me four flashlights that are no longer made today: a Pelican Super Saber Light; a SureFire 9N; a Streamlight Batonlite; and a steel Eddie Bauer 3 X N light with a single 5mm LED in it (made by LED Lenser, though they make a 3 X 5mm LED version still). The last two lights listed are the only LED lights out of this group of older lights. I'm working on converting all of these lights to LED or to brighter LEDs. The BatonLite will be going back to my cousin after I'm done with it, though.
I was around 14 when my brother gave me these in the early 80s. I was a flashahaulic 14 year old...

Coleman halogen spotlight
circa 1984 (I think)

The Coleman spotlight is by far my brightest light and my farthest thrower.

I have that same spotlight. It is indeed very bright. Mine still has the origional bulb!
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A couple of days ago I just received three of my old lights back from darkzero.:nana:

1. A 2003 Surefire L4
2. A Longbow micra
3. HDS 42 Basic XRGT

The Micra now has a GDUP and SSC U2 bin in it. The L4 now has a Cree MC-E WC bin in it and the HDS has a K2 TFFC in it. :D
........Also, I found myself wanting to buy another Lumapower LM33 the other day. Not all that bright by today's standards, but it was on sale at a very good price and I love the smooooth SSC P4 beam.

I have a LM31 that died on me last summer. I'd like to get another as I also like the SSC P4s' beam. It's a little large for an AA, but fits my hand nicely.

I had an Arc LS I sold in '04 and kind of regret it now. Nice simple lines.
I'm also tempted to try to pick up an Arc LS and Arc 4+ just to own a bit of LED flashlight history. Plus, those old Arcs are beautiful looking little lights.

I'm not too concerned with the drop in brightness, as most of my light usage is at about 10 lumens or so anyway. My stock as a rock HDS U60GT is still one of my most used lights, so I don't think that brightness is everything.

Maybe I'm just attracted to the style of old things. I bought a 35-year-old car the other week that'll be a heap of fun once the drivetrain is modernised.
I've sold off a few Longbows over the years, but keep a Micra twisty that has had a few mods, but ended up back with the factory pill, UCL, and a McR18.
Still can't find a better made 1x123 light. Wish I'd kept a Mini, too.
The Micra's about to get modernized with a Q4-5B, new reflector, and some version of the GD circuit board(might be able to double both brightness and runtime), and go from being something I keep back to being something I carry:thumbsup:

The old Arc AAA-P on my keys is there for the same reason-haven't found a better executed design, yet.
An original SF U2 w/ 18650-fitting body.
And a Tigerlight (the regulated Incan one).
I've been keeping an eye open for a Sanyo Dual Bulb Cadnica for a while, but haven't found one. My Grandmother had one, and I would play with it incessantly as a kid.

I still collect Arc AAA's and am always on the lookout for unusual ones (like an amber). I'd also like an Arc LS First Run, Fenix L1+ SS, original HelioTek HTE-1 (with the red swicth), JETBeam Jet-µ w/SSC P4, Surefire A2-YG and a Surefire L6.

I've got a few LongBows, but they're all clickies, and I'd like to find a twisty switch. A Booster Head would be nice, too.

And there's a few customs I'd like the pick up some day: ARC mania Maxlite III, KI Crystal, KI Splash, Mac's Torch, a splash ano'ed TNC HyperLux and a few Ti McGizmos (III-T, XR19, XR27 and 27LT).
Owen I agree about the Longbow Micra- it's gorgeous!
I kinda like my Inova X5 as a longterm keeper- it just keeps going and going.
Mind you, I virtually never get rid of lights- the collection only grows, not shrinks.....

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