Flashlight Enthusiast
I was checking out Youtube and came a across the theme song to Enterprise being preformed live by Russell Watson and thought some of you might like to see it.
I had no idea Russell was the one who performed this for the show. I like the song but noticed that some people complained about the song being the theme song for the series. When I listen to the words I believe it is a good fit. I also like the Enterprise series and was sorry to see the show terminate early. Anyway I'm a long time Star Trek fan and enjoyed seeing the song being performed live and thought some others would to.
Russell Watson "LIVE" - Theme From ENTERPRISE
Star Trek: Enterprise (theme song)
I had no idea Russell was the one who performed this for the show. I like the song but noticed that some people complained about the song being the theme song for the series. When I listen to the words I believe it is a good fit. I also like the Enterprise series and was sorry to see the show terminate early. Anyway I'm a long time Star Trek fan and enjoyed seeing the song being performed live and thought some others would to.
Russell Watson "LIVE" - Theme From ENTERPRISE
Star Trek: Enterprise (theme song)