Looking for M6 mod advice


Newly Enlightened
Jun 17, 2008
Simi Valley, CA.

Seeing as how I don't have a decent incandescent light, I've been toying with the idea of picking up a used M6 Guardian. I'd like to squeeze some extra lumens out of the light but am unsure what's the best route to take.

Any mods would have to be 'drop-in/screw-on' as I really don't want to have to do any machining to the light, and somewhat readily available for purchase from the required sources.

With that in mind....what bulbs, lamp assemblies, battery packs etc. are recommended, and what kind of lumen output greater (brighter) than an MN21 could be achieved? I see quite a bit of reference to the 1185 bulb but have no idea what's involved in getting it to work, or how much (if any) brighter it is than the MN21 assembly. I'd also like to keep the run time somewhat decent if possible.

So.....what would the incandescent gurus suggest for me?


I am no expert but I've recently asked similar questions about a SF M4. Here's what I've found:

Fivemega makes a MN to bi-pin adapter that allows the M6, M4, and M3T heads to be used with bi-pin bulbs like the WA 1185 and others. These can be had here: http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=199216

If you're dead set on getting an M6, Fivemega also makes a battery adapter that will allow you to use three Li-ion batteries to power the WA 1185. However, you could also use an M4 head and a Leef 3x 18650 body with the FM bi-pin adapter and a WA 1185 bulb (that's what I'll be doing).

As for output, the WA 1185 should be quite a bit brighter. Per Litho's bulb thread the WA 1185 should put out over 1200 bulb lumens on three Li-ion batteries while the LF HO-M6R is "only" 700 bulb lumens.

Again, I don't have tons of experience with this stuff either so if what I've said is incorrect, hopefully someone will provide additional information.
Fivemega makes a MN to bi-pin adapter that allows the M6, M4, and M3T heads to be used with bi-pin bulbs like the WA 1185 and others.

Get one of these. Immediately. Right now, stop reading, go order it. He only makes limited production runs of his parts, and when I looked yesterday there were only about 5 left. You will need it for using any of the WA bulbs that you are likely to decide you want to use. Once they're sold out, it may be months, years or never before he makes more of them. If you don't have one, you're pretty much out of luck using the M6 for a host for a hotwire.

If you don't have a bi-pin holder you should probably choose a different host than the M6. As far as I can tell on the M6 you're best option will be to use a MN61 with 3x17670 (it can insta-flash, but many seem to have no problems) if you don't get a bi-pin holder.

I was supremely lucky to get a FM 3x17670 holder used, but you should be on the lookout for one of those as well. The Leef body is an option to circumvent this requirement so it's not so important. I'm guessing though if you choose an M6 as a host you really like the look and feel of an M6 and a Leef body just isn't going to be the same... That's the way I felt anyway.

From what I've read putting together mine, I think the ideal setup (for inspiring awe) using the M6 as a host is FM Bi-Pin adaptor, FM 3x17670 holder, 3x AW Protected 17670, and WA 1185.
From what I've read putting together mine, I think the ideal setup (for inspiring awe) using the M6 as a host is FM Bi-Pin adaptor, FM 3x17670 holder, 3x AW Protected 17670, and WA 1185.

That was exactly what i was thinking. It's on my list. I was just thinking about one the other day.
OK, I grabbed one of those bi-pin adapters (thanks for the heads-up), but it looks like finding a 3x17670 holder could be difficult. I may end up going the same route as tntsl.

Feel free to offer any additional advice.

The Leef body maybe your only viable short-term alternative, but make sure to make a post in the 3x17670 thread to express your interest. That's how FM gauges when he should make a new run of holders.

Also, if you intend to use your M6 for normal (non-retina-burning) activities, you may want to express interest in this thread for 2x18650 holders currently under development. It will allow you to use the MN20/21 (and possibly MN15) for near guilt-free lumens.
I'll do that. Know where a leef 3x18650 body can be found?

I better find that WA1185 thread too...

Try www.lighthound.com for the body.

I use a M6 with the 1185 bulb and 3X17670 AW cells with all the FM parts. The beam is noticably brighter and is also much broader than the MN21. I still like the stock SF setup but, it's nice to have options. MN15, MN20, MN21 on primaries. MN60, MN61, WA1185 on rechargeables. There are a lot of options. I'm sure there are more but, these are the only ones I've used.
Thanks for the info everyone. What would the difference in output be with the WA 1185, if any, between 3 x 18650 vs 3 x 17670?

And what precautions should I take to avoid insta-flashing handfuls of bulbs?
Thanks for the info everyone. What would the difference in output be with the WA 1185, if any, between 3 x 18650 vs 3 x 17670?

The 18650 would be brighter because their voltage wouldn't sag as much under the load. However you can't get 3x18650 in the M6.

And what precautions should I take to avoid insta-flashing handfuls of bulbs?

I'm not sure, most people I've read report hot of the charger is no problem for 3x17670, so I don't think there are any special precautions required. I'll shortly be corrected if wrong though...
In the beamshot link that 1wrx7 posted above, there's a post by Patriot36 where he states;

The WA1111 on 18650s is very solid and produces a nice white beam. It's less touchy than the WA1185. If you're not careful how you charge the 17670s you can flash the 1185 every time in the M6....no fun :(. If you charge them to 4.1V each and give them a rest before using, then they're fine.

This kinda made me uneasy, lol. I don't want to spend $5 everytime I hit the button on this thing :)
That doesn't sound promising. I have 4 1185's on order though... I'm hoping they arrive around the same time as my AW17670's then I can get some practical experience.

I was thinking of taking my M6+MN21 to the National Balloon Classic this weekend but I'm not sure what I'll do that won't annoy someone so perhaps I'll leave it at home...
I have never heared about WA1185 instaflashing, I asked DM51 (the M6 guru :)) about this issue a week ago and he was quite surprised about it - he has never had problems with the WA1185+3x17670 configuration nor he has heared about any problems.
I can't speak from my own experience - I am only waiting for the last parts to complete this setup (AW cells).

Fortunately, the bulbs are pretty cheap so even in the rare event of an instaflash, you lost only ~$5. The bulb life should be about 12 hours or so?
I hadn't either, but I ordered 4 of them so I can take a flash or two on my learning curve :)
be advised, get those 1185s used via bi pin holder in a maglite first. new 1185s overdriven will smoke for a bit....and should it :poof: due to a failed lamp envelope the worst that could happen is a destroyed stock reflector and lens. Whether it :poof: or smokes, note that the turbohead isn't something you could take apart and rinse under running water:green:
be advised, get those 1185s used via bi pin holder in a maglite first. new 1185s overdriven will smoke for a bit....and should it :poof: due to a failed lamp envelope the worst that could happen is a destroyed stock reflector and lens. Whether it :poof: or smokes, note that the turbohead isn't something you could take apart and rinse under running water:green:

Dang, I hadn't thought of that! I should have because I used to own a couple Mag85s. I definitely don't want to smoke up my SF turbohead. Well, with a MN to bi-pin on order I guess the only reasonable solution is to get a Mag85 so I can break in the WA1185 bulbs before using them in my suped-up M4! :devil:
I'm currently running a Lumens Factory bulb and FM adapter in my M6 w/ 3x17670 and the Leef 3x18650 with 1185 in a M4 turbo head. I didn't really like the 1185 on 3x17670 and the Lumens Factory bulb gives a really nice hotspot, better than my 1185 setup though not as bright.

The M6 is a more manageable package too. Here is the Leef bodied light, far right, against M3/M4 sized and smaller lights.

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Nice collection you have there.

I just realized I'm going to need a tail-cap if I go with the leef 3x18650. Suggestions?