Looking for opinions on a decent 1xAA.


Newly Enlightened
Dec 2, 2008
Hello all,

I am looking for a single AA in the Deal Extreme price range.

I don't want to do any "fixes", just power up and go. I searched CPF and don't see anything terribly recent so I thought I'd ask.

I was looking at the Romisen MXDL RC-G2 among their sizeable selection and feedback at their site seems mostly positive.

I would like good throw if possible in a 1xAA.

Any thoughts?

PS, thanks to this forum I recently got a TK40. What fun!

After spending that much, I think my next addition will have to come from DX. :p

If you're looking for something that will work the first time you try it, you're better off checking Shiningbeam instead - it costs a bit more. With DX, even the best products there have some chance of not working.
If you're going to buy from DX, the Romisens are quite reliable, and your chosen RC-G2 is supposed to have decent throw.
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For a little more than DX prices you can get an ITP A2 EOS, they are well liked around here, and quite reliable. Mine comes everywhere with me, and has never missed a beat.
If it must be DX though, Romisens seem to be the way to go. But as with all DX products, you may need to do a little "fixing" to get then working nicely...
For throw and versatility the C78 is quite good, and it now comes with a holster. Get one of those Nite-Ize switches and have several modes too.
If you want something locally available, there's the Energizer AA model typically sold at Target. (Not to be confused with the AA version of the Energizer Lithium line of lights.)
Ditto on Shiningbeam! My RC-G2 lights up an apple tree 40 yards away. Its an awesome light for around 20 bucks IMHO.
If you're wanting to keep it really cheap (under £10 kind of cheap), I was quite impressed by the Uniquefire S10 (Cree R2-WC) from DX. I got the single mode version. It's bright, compact, and feels very solidly built. I expect it'll be much bright still with 14500 cells but I'm happy with the performance from primary lithiums (it's okay with alkalines too).

The RC-G2 from shiningbeam is also good if you want something small and throwy, but I find it a bit bulky for pant's pocket, and a little too throwy for some EDC type applications.
I can recommend the Hugsby P31. Already have 2 of them, exceptional build quality for such a low price. A little review can be found here.
If you're wanting to keep it really cheap (under £10 kind of cheap), I was quite impressed by the Uniquefire S10 (Cree R2-WC) from DX. I got the single mode version. It's bright, compact, and feels very solidly built. I expect it'll be much bright still with 14500 cells but I'm happy with the performance from primary lithiums (it's okay with alkalines too).

I'm also very happy with mine. It is one of my best bargain purchases so far. Note that if you want to use 14500 cells you must get the single-mode version.
Something simple like a Terralux Lightstar maybe?


I like mine and will add the smaller one to my haul soon.
Thanks to all of you for your help! I have some good stuff to go on to pick up a simple light for my wife.

Ohh, if it's for a lady you might want to look at the following:

TrustFire XP-EF23 XP-R2-WC (DX sku 24291) Actually single AA but very nice looking and quite bright.

Ultrafire C3 Stainless Steel Cree Q5-WC (DX sku 26122).

Both attractive lights for a handbag for around £10. :D
That one is AAA, I would love to get the AA version (sku 31731) but at $23 it exceeds my DX betting limit

Yep that was a typo, when I said 'Actually single AA' I meant AAA. It is surprisingly bright on high for a AAA though. Very attractive too, it looks like a posh mascara. :D

Firstly RC-G2 is the best non lensed thrower i have seen, it beats my Quark R5 Tactical hands down for throw, and can nearly keep up with my 2AA lights! And mine this is the old emmitered version from DX so the Q5 from Shining Beam i can only guess would be awesome ( i live in UK so get stiffed for import duty so don't buy from US )
One thing i wil say ive had several of these through my hands and they have forward clickies,my fave, and build quaility is good and i have had to do no fixes on any ive had (about 6 in total) i cannot say this about ANYTHING else of DX!!!!! On a side note the 2 Silver ones i had a green tint to the beam, the Black ones where a much better white.
The C78 is another good sugggestion for throw, i love mine, but build quality is mediocre, and the switch is awfull, and i have had to fix the focus slider before, but the throw is very god indeed, and flood is good and it dims it a bit for closer up work, with no hotspot blinding you.

The S10 i got had a intermitant switch, and after a small drop it would hardly ever turn on, and for a R2 it was dissapointing on Alkalines, as was my Trustfire R5, i think these are only designed to give off a good light on 14500's a source of power i dont use so i cant comment.

I have just got the SAIK SA-105 Q3 (ROMISENS budget brand) and its alright, a much better size form factor than the RC-G2 for pockets, but doesnt throw as well and reverse clickie.

SOOO to sum up i would recomend the RC-G2 from Shining beam (but the DX one is good) or the SAIK SA105.................................as others have said Romisen is the ONLY budget light worth bothering with.

I have also had the ITP A3 EOS SS (the A2 is more of the same) and it was well built and felt like it would last for ever, and the output on high was good flood but little throw (more to do with size of the reflector) BUT i did not like the twisty switch and Pulse Width Modulation on low and medium was not good, it sort of 'strobes' out the corner of your eye when you move the light, some are more sensitive than others though and it you may not notice it!
@ vickers, neither my two (DX) RC-G2 switches worked properly 'till I cleaned and tightened them. It's something you should be prepared for when buying from DX, whether it's Romisen or any other budget brand. I'd also say the stock RC-G2 isn't as bright as the S10 on alkalines, although it's not that easy to tell with the RC-G2 being mostly throw.

Whatever the OP decides on, if something like a tricky switch that needs some minor attention is a big problem, DX should be avoided altogether. I would go along with the recommendation for the RC-G2 from shiningbeam if it's within budget, and as throw is a requirement.
Well the manufacturers and sellers don't like to make this simple do they... Again, thanks for all the advice everybody! I think I can deal with any minor issues like switches and simple things. I am just not (yet) at the soldering stuff stage. :)
