Looking for something with lots of throw


Mar 4, 2008
Orange County, CA.
Hey guys...

Do any of you know of a good HID handheld that is really bright and has maybe a 1 mile beam ?
I was searching on the internet and found the maxabeam...is that my closest match ? I don't really want to spend over 1K though, is there anything else out there that is comparable but not as expensive ?

I currently have an HID flashlight (EagleEye) that I bought on ebay...its a great light, but I want something stronger.
There are many variables that might effect your pick including size.

1760 yards is a lot to ask out of the very best and most expensive HID lights. The most powerful can throw some light from 800-1200 yards in dark conditions on reflective objects but typically 500-700 yards is a long way for any light.

The Maxabeam is considered a short-arc HID. Short-arc lights have lots of throw but not very much total light output.

The Xe-50 from Xevision is right around $1000.

The X990 is tough and has an adjustable beam for under $400

The N30 is probably the best value in a smaller usable package at $150

One of the best throwers is the Titanium Mega but it's very large with a 9" reflector and heavy because of the lead acid battery, at $160

Of the above four lights, the Xe-50 makes the most total light output, but the Titanium Mega throws the farthest. If you search any of the above lights you'll find a wealth of info.
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thanks for those links and the info! :twothumbs

I will do some research on those pages and decide from there..
I'm guessing the Titanium Mega is similar to the Vector spotlight...though the vector doesn't have that big of a diameter compared to the mega.

Thanks again :)
You're welcome. I just wanted to add a couple of quick things..

I find that my larger, heavier lights end up at home all too often while I tend to grab the more conveniently sized ones the most.

As you'll discover sheer throw isn't directly tied to the price. More often the additional price has to do with other factors such as material and build quality, electronics, bulbs, reflector quality, water resistance, shock resistance, etc. Surprisingly, the popular brands that we see and embrace here through the CPF channels are amazingly reliable regardless of price. I've never had a HID spotlight failure even though they sometimes are subjected to rough use. So unless you need a mil-spec light or need the "best of the best" spotlight, there is no reason to spend anything close to $1000 on an HID.

I prefer the $400 X990 (sometimes called the 990X) slightly more than the $150 N30 but honestly the X990 doesn't provide and extra $250 worth of light output performance. It's a bit brighter, but not that much brighter. That said, I do like the removable fast change battery, focusable head, and 12/24V plug in option, and swivel head of the X990. Those extra features make it worth the extra money for me, but that might not be true for everyone. The N30 has a nice little set of task lighting LEDs facing forward in the handle and those can be very handy sometimes. It all comes down to what the user is looking for.

When you get ready to purchase post here again because there may be some discounts available to you as a CPF member.
I think I'm gonna start off by getting the N30 and Titanium Mega...

I'm okay with heavy units, I don't mind that...but can see your point about using smaller/lighter ones away from home.

I'm also looking at getting some LED flashlights...those are much smaller/less weight and I'm sure there are many great LED's to choose from! :D
If you get a Maxabeam, you'll love it. I used one for an hour the other night and had great difficulty putting it down. Did you consider the SF Beast II?

If you get a Maxabeam, you'll love it. I used one for an hour the other night and had great difficulty putting it down. Did you consider the SF Beast II?


He said that he'd rather stay under a $1000 therefore $4000 might be a smidgen high for him. He's also looking for a throw light and the Beast isn't among the very top thowers.
The maxabeam is definitely one of your best bets for throw. It doesn't produce that much light in comparison to some of the other HIDs, but it focuses that light into a tightly collimated beam that reaches really, really far.

The Megaray would also probably fit the bill for throw, though I've no idea how much it costs. (The company doesn't list prices on its web site, which is a pretty good indication that it won't be coming in at the "under $1,000" price point.) In any case - and if by some miracle it does happen to cost less than $1k - here's a review and some beam shots:

http://www.cones-stuff.co.uk/MegaRay 175.htm

Man, does this thing throw!

Hope this helps.

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The megaray is a thing of beauty...

I'm guessing that light will run in the 3-4K mark :sigh:

a bit too much...but look at the amazing beam it creates !
Well, I've just taken the plunge and ordered an N30 from Batteryjunction.com! I hope my addiction to flashlights doesn't go any further, as I'm now skint!
If you want a good comparison of a 50W HID w/8 inch reflector and the Maxabeam at 5000 feet, check out my "Got Throw" link. ;)
This is the first I've seen of the "Got Throw" thread.
Great job Nitro.

Thanks. It's fun taking pictures of long throwing lights. The longest site I could find near me was that water tower at 5000 feet. I was going to try longer sites, but I ran out of warm weather. I did find a 2 mile site along Lake Michigan, that I may try this spring, but there's no water tower. Water towers make great targets, because they're big and high. Come spring, I'll be taking a drive north to try and find another water tower at 1.5 and 2 miles.
Thanks. It's fun taking pictures of long throwing lights. The longest site I could find near me was that water tower at 5000 feet. I was going to try longer sites, but I ran out of warm weather. I did find a 2 mile site along Lake Michigan, that I may try this spring, but there's no water tower. Water towers make great targets, because they're big and high. Come spring, I'll be taking a drive north to try and find another water tower at 1.5 and 2 miles.

Will the maxabeam reach a 2 mile target ?