Looks like Inova is staying at Target...

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Newly Enlightened
Apr 16, 2006
I noticed that all of the remaining clamshell packages of Inova lights had been cleared out at my local Target and replaced with new Nite-Ize branded packaging, so it appears that for the time being at least, Inova lights will continue to be sold at Target. They did have a very limited selection (x1 and x03 [edit; I typoed and wrote x05 the first time]), so I'm not sure what kind of variety is planned.

The new packaging makes some important changes- it now says "Limited Lifetime Warranty USA" on the front (I assume that the full text is provided inside the package), and "Manufactured in China" on the back.

There were some questions about these points in a previous thread, but with the packaging changes, current and future buyers will be completely aware of the terms of warranty, etc. of the light.

The X1 (example pictures) has a different LED than the 4th generation. I didn't look at the LED carefully enough to determine what it is.

I don't think the light actually puts out 25 lumens as the package indicates, but perhaps it's a closer estimate than the Inova "n watt" rated flashlights than are not driven anywhere close to that spec. It's also possible the battery wasn't the best- this packaging is not so easy to take apart without destroying it.


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As we know, the "lifetime warranty" from Nite Ize is not worth the paper it is written on.:sigh:
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to Rider --

Thank you for the Update, and Photos.


As we know, the "lifetime warranty" from Nite Ize is not worth the paper it is written on.:sigh:

Ive heard good reports about Nite Ize and honoring their warranty.
In fact a nite ize customer service person said that after the purchase they were busy fulfilling warranty issues with certain Inova lights.

As for the X1 the package looks the same as the X1 I bought a few months ago. THere was a nite ize sticker on the back over the inova address. I though it was more than 25 lumens.... Seemed plenty bright for inside the house. Maybe a true 25 lumens is quite decent for indoors?

So you say its a new LED, now a 5th generation? Can you describe it? Is it real small, is the reflector an orange peel?
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As for the X1 the package looks the same as the X1 I bought a few months ago. THere was a nite ize sticker on the back over the inova address. I though it was more than 25 lumens.... Seemed plenty bright for inside the house. Maybe a true 25 lumens is quite decent for indoors?

So you say its a new LED, now a 5th generation? Can you describe it? Is it real small, is the reflector an orange peel?

EyeEatingFish: Prior to the current Nite-Ize branded packaging, there was a similar cardboard pack that was probably 50% larger in area and was still branded Emissive Energy, Kingston, RI.

I can see where some of the final EE packages may have been restickered Nite Ize.

Next time I have a chance, I'll bring my most recent X1 with me to compare to the current product.
I noticed that all of the remaining clamshell packages of Inova lights had been cleared out at my local Target and replaced with new Nite-Ize branded packaging, so it appears that for the time being at least, Inova lights will continue to be sold at Target. They did have a very limited selection (x1 and x05), so I'm not sure what kind of variety is planned.

The new packaging makes some important changes- it now says "Limited Lifetime Warranty USA" on the front (I assume that the full text is provided inside the package), and "Manufactured in China" on the back.

Made in China does not surprise me, though it seems to be getting harder to find American made lights. The only reason I was buying Inova was because it was American made, but now that Inova is not made here, I have no reason to buy them. Fenix for example, is superior in nearly every way when compared to Inova.
Good that they are still there, I was afraid they would disappear all-together from the every day B&M retailers. My local target flashlight isle is no longer worth browsing any more. (but of course I still do)

Fortunately my local Frys has picked up considerably... now offering Surefire and a few more Pelican lights. The latter being under $30 and very affordable USA-made options. The pelican 2360 looks like a really nice light for the $$$. Outside of the AA minimag, there just aren't that many affordable USA made 2xAA options.

I still think Inovas are really nice lights... even without the Emissive lifetime warranty.
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