Lowest Low with simply UI


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 5, 2010
Hove, UK
A recent change of environment means that I am now using my Quark AA regular with even more dark adapted eyes than I thought possible. The Quark moon mode is too bright!

I recent bought a zebralight H51 which is a great little light, but the lowest low (also specified as 0.2lm) seems twice as bright as the Quark.

Both of these had excellent UIs which is important as I also use the other brightness levels regularly so want to be able to easily go through them.

I have noticed the HDS clicky specification says it goes even lower than either of these, 0.07lm, but after reading the instruction manual, don't really like the UI. If this even lower low was added to the Quark, that would be perfect for me, but the multiple double clicks and fiddling around the HDS seems to need if you want to use the full range of levels sounds too complicated.

Are there any alternatives to the HDS clicky with a simple UI, multiple levels and a low low, which is lower than the Quark?