Lumapower M1 reflector in a modded Striker


Jan 7, 2005
Portland, OR
thought I would share a little neat thing with my SSC P4 modded Striker using the M1 reflector meant for a cree LED.

though it is a little loose the striker bezel just barely holds the M1 reflector in place. the result is an outstanding throw with a very beautiful wide and bright spill. those that have already done this check it out. the only thing missing here is a lens that will fit the striker bezel.

the obligatory beamshots are forthcoming.
Excellent! I was part of the original Passaround for the Striker and thought it was impressive, but I would have preferred the same throw, but with a more traditional beam. Looks like that's what you have now.
I'd like to know if it reduced throw as well. The stock Striker and the Cree M1 have about the same throw and output, but I'd imagine the reflector is more effecient than the optic so I'd imagine throw would drop just a bit with the reflector.

Still, I'd think throw would still be remarkable on the Striker with the reflector.
well the throw is better than with the Lux III that was in there(with the optic). The hotspot at the same distance (with the optic) is not as intense but it is there. In this manner the throw suffered is negligible. But as I found out last night I am not very savvy with my camera but will try to do what I can.

the Striker optic diameter is 1 1/8", 1 3/8" with the lip. the M1 is 1 3/16". The Striker bezel will hold the M1 reflector in place. A lens will be needed to accomplish this better.
Even though I understand what you did, and why you did it, I think it is a waste to modify the striker with a reflector...

The striker's utmost advantage against other lights is it's throw. It is designed for this, and excels on this area. I can understand swapping emitters, I, myself, own a modded strikerVG with a SSC P4 emiter and the output/throw is nothing short of impressive. Changing the optics for a reflector though, will give you the beam characteristics of the M1. I just don't get the point of this.

However, even if we assume that it is what you want, and I respect that, I am just wondering about this mod from the cost-effectiveness point of view. The emitter itself probably cost you around $15 (for a good bin/tint one). Add ~$20 for the reflector of the M1, plus shipping on top and we are in the $45-50 area. You could just pay $30-35 more and have yourself a brand spanking new M1 with practically the same beam characteristics etc, AND keep your striker at the same time.

Just so I'm not misunderstood here, nothing against anyone or anyone's ideas, just trying to understand the idea behind modding the striker with a reflector :)

I could always be wrong in my thinking, so by all means, correct me if this is the case, and there is something I don't understand correctly :)
But... but... Not everyone likes the beam of the Striker. I had one for a week or so with the passaround and, while I was impressed with the throw, I did not care for the very narrow beam and minimal spill beam. With the brighter LED and the reflector, I'd imgagine you keep the throw of the original Striker (yet should be less than the SSC with optic), yet get a larger hotspot and still amazing throw.

As far as the different between the Striker and the M1... well... the M1 doesn't have as many levels or the strobe.

I personally don't have a need for the strobe and more than 2 or 3 levels, but I definately prefer the traditional beam of the M1. Add to that stellar runtime on the M1 with the 18650 and I won't be doing the Striker mod anytime soon, but if someone really liked the features and form factor of the Striker, then why not?
Yes, but that's the beauty of it! :)

It is made for throw. If you swap the Luxeon for the P4, and add an M1 reflector you DO get the throw of the original striker as you said, and the beam characteristics of the M1 which are more "compatible" with what some people prefer.

However this is the exact same thing that a stock M1 does (and I quote from :

Original Striker:
Level Throw Overall Output
123A High 6850 (82.76) 6200 (62.00)

Lumapower M1:
Level Throw Overall Output
123A High 7050 (83.94) 8300 (83.00)

As far as the extra settings go, I own the striker, and use it plenty, and *personally* I don't use any other levels except from the "High" (default when on), and the lowest one. I appreciate that other people might, as could I if I was in a situation that I needed such fine-grain output differences, but as far as I know the majority of people don't.

Also as you said the the M1 has awesome runtime with 18650 batteries, which just adds one more advantage against doing this mod. The advantage that the striker brings to the table against the M1's runtime and "nicer" beam profile, is its optimization for throw, and this was taken away!

The striker is a very specialised light, take away that specialization and you make it blunt and with disadvantages that it now has anything to provide against... The analogy that comes into my mind is modding a Ferrari (pretty much optimized for on-road driving/cornering) to go on tractor duty in a field. Add the extra cost on top of that, and I was wondering about how cost-effective such a mod is.

Just my thoughts :)

Btw, congratulations to taiji on a successful mod and a job well done. I'm not in any way expressing any negativity on the mod, just trying to understand what was the objective/advantages of the mod! :)
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Oh... I'm not trying to talk anyone into or out of anything concerning the Striker or the M1. Personally, the M1 makes a lot more sense to me. Much smaller, two usable levels and again, the crazy runtime on the 18650. But that doesn't change the fact that some people, myself included, liked a lot of things about the Striker, but didn't like the very reduced spillbeam, compared to a traditional reflectored light. Again, the Striker, with the SSC AND the M1 reflector should give all the throw of the original Striker PLUS the brighter spillbeam, along with the features that most people owning a Striker probably value.

As for car references, perhaps throw is like speed and spillbeam akin to fuel economy. You have a Civic that gets 45 MPG and a Ferrari that gets 12, but the Ferrari can go 190 MPH. Some folks value the fuel economy (spill beam) and some folks need the throw (speed). New technology comes along that lets you have a Ferrari body, Ferrari features, Ferrari speed AND Civic fuel economy... well, I think a lot of people might go for that.

Of course, there will be people that insist on all-Ferrari originality.

Personally, I'll stick with an HDS and the M1.